An Exegetical and Theological Study of the Spirit in 1 Peter: Strength for Today and Hope for Tomorrow

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Cover for An Exegetical and Theological Study of the Spirit in 1 Peter: Strength for Today and Hope for Tomorrow

From the position that 1 Peter is an epistle, I establish an inaugurated eschatological proleptic which informs the letter proper and then propose an original parsimonious working model by which to carry out exegetical analysis of selected (pneuma) texts. A synthesis concludes the thesis, proposing the Spirit's place in the symbolic universe sketched by 1 Peter as compared with first and second Temple, and Intertestamental Judaisms. My conclusion is that the argumentative strategy of 1 Peter appeals to the qal-w h mer superlative of God's presence by the Spirit in the experienced symbolic universe of his addressees as an antidote to assimilation, on the one hand, and isolation, on the other, from the situated shaming cultural milieu. Parallels between birth and consummation of Israel and Peter's addressees constitute a world-view designed to ameliorate the dissonance perceived by the author for the ambivalent status of his recipients proleptically announced in his identification of recipient unit (1:1-2), eklektos parepid mos diasporas.

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