Semester 1 starts Mar 3
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Details for EDU522 The Self-Reflective Educator

This subject builds on the foundations of relevant classroom practice as students dive deeper into exploring their own classroom leadership skills. Students will evaluate their own personality in relation to teaching in order to support their personal career direction and goals.

Quick Stats

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: EDU522
  • Credit points: 10

Subject Coordinator

Contact for more information.


The following courses are prerequisites:

  • EDU401—Foundations in Christian Learning and Teaching or 40 credit points
  • Courses offering EDU522

Unit Content


  1. Critically evaluate and reflect on one’s own personality profile and how it affects one’s approach to teaching;
  2. Demonstrate an integrated understanding of personality profiles and leadership theory in the spiritual formation of an educator;
  3. Critically analyse the leadership types within communities, such as churches, community organisations and schools;
  4. Analyse in detail catalysts for increased stress and conflict in life and work;
  5. Integrate a sustainable model of Christian education within a personal, dynamic philosophy of education.

Subject Content

  1. Personality profiles: Jung; Myers-Biggs; Marston’s DISC; emotional intelligence; personality disorders; managing stress; conflict resolution; ethical conduct and integrity.
  2. Leadership Types: Australian Professional Standards for Teachers’ professional learning needs; management v. leadership; team, servant leadership; charismatic; democratic; task-oriented; change management; mentoring; how leaders learn.
  3. Spiritual formation: Renovations of the Heart (Willard, 2002); Critical Journey (Hagberg & Guelich, 2005); stages of life – recognition of God, life of discipleship, productive life, journey inward, journey outward, life of love; the wall.
  4. Heart of the teacher; research project; converting to calling to service; Courage to Teach (Palmer, 2007); thinking Christianly; running the marathon.
  5. Toward a Sustainable Model of Christian Education: public schools; private schools; closed Christian schooling; sold-out-to-culture Christian schools; responsibility model; education for shalom; equipping for ministry of reconciliation.

This course may be offered in the following formats

  • Face-to-Face
  • Intensive
  • Distance/ Global Online

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  • Personal Journal (25%)
  • Minor Essay (25%)
  • Major Essay (50%)

Prescribed Text

  • References will include the most current curriculum requirements for schools.

Check with the instructor each semester before purchasing any prescribed texts or representative references