Semester 1 starts Mar 3
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Details for NAT11088003 Provide foundational care in a church ministry setting

Gaining skills in providing foundational care in a church ministry setting is crucial for maintaining the well being of both the caregiver and those receiving care. This subject equips students with strategies for effective self-care and responsive listening so that in the context of various church ministry teams, they can refer team members to the correct avenue of care. Participants will practice creating supportive environments, using active listening skills, and engaging in reflective debriefing with experienced pastoral carers.

Quick Stats

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: NAT11088003
  • Credit points: 10

Subject Coordinator

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Unit Content


1. Practice self-care

  • Approaches to ministry and lifestyle choices external to ministry are analysed to identify practices requiring revision and adoption necessary for long-term health in ministry
  • A self-care plan to minimise stress and maintain spiritual, emotional and physical health when providing care in ministry is developed
  • In consultation with a ministry leader, the plan is refined
  • The plan is executed with positive outcomes and challenges recorded and evaluated


2.Listen and respond to a church member

  • A space is provided for the care recipient to share where distractions are minimised, and which is in accordance with church policy
  • Full attention is given to the care recipient
  • Verbal and non-verbal feedback is used to reinforce presence and build trust
  • Active listening techniques are used to help the person express themselves including where grief, loss or spiritual questions are identified
  • Interjections with personal experiences and opinions are avoided
  • The care recipient is prayed for where their consent is granted
  • The care recipient is referred to a leader where the need for further support is identified.
  • Any reportable offences are handled in accordance with legislative, regulatory and church policy requirements.
  • Reasonable boundaries are maintained in accordance with church policy


3.Debrief with a pastoral carer

  • The care experience and its impact on the carer is reflected upon with a pastoral carer.
  • Any need for further support of the carer is identified and arranged.
  • Provision of care is evaluated to determine any coaching requirements.
  • External support and coaching are engaged when not sufficiently available within the church.
  • Confidentiality of the care recipient is maintained throughout the debriefing process.

Subject Content

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Assessment Methods

Prescribed Text