Details for EXP432 Professional Experience 2

In this second professional experience course, teacher education students will develop a professional portfolio based on their placement that demonstrates their knowledge and skills of teaching and learning, and pedagogical leadership, including skills in planning, teaching, assessing, and evaluating student learning. Students will consider their responsibilities and philosophy, working within a legal and ethical context, and in partnership with families and communities, The course requires students to undertake 30 days within an Early Childhood setting or school. Teacher education students will be expected to contribute to the setting and community.  

Quick Stats

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: EXP432
  • Credit points: 10

Subject Coordinator


Enrolled students must maintain a current Working with Children Check from the appropriate State Authority. 

Students must have completed EDU431, EDU433, and EXP431 Professional Experience 1 

Unit Content


  1. Articulate effectively as ethical, reflective, and informed teachers when working with children, families, colleagues and other education and community stakeholders,  
  2. Identify and appraise a range of teaching and management approaches and strategies. Apply understanding of teacher professional knowledge, practice, and engagement in the context of the professional experience placement, including administration, management, and leadership.  
  3. Demonstrate, integrate, and implement understanding of and commitment to ongoing professional development through reflective practice that critically engages with contemporary philosophy, theory, and research 
  4. Design and evaluate curriculum, assessment and differentiated learning opportunities implementing the planning cycle approach, to enhance learning outcomes for all students, including those from diverse cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic backgrounds and with specific learning needs with implementation of the requirements of the relevant statutory requirements in relation to the curriculum. 
  5. Work inclusively, collaboratively, and ethically within the context of the professional experience, with understanding of regulatory requirements, ethical practice and responsibilities of early childhood teacher roles and experiences. 
  6. Interpret the APST and EYLF V2.0 learning framework and legislative requirements to critically reflect on demonstrated skills, knowledge, and attitudes during the ECEC professional experience and apply a range of theories, ideas, and practices.  

Subject Content

  1. Professional Experience Expectations and requirements 
  2. Professional, legal, and ethical responsibilities as a teacher, with all stakeholders 
  3. Pedagogical perspectives of quality
  4. Designing evaluating and assessing appropriate early learning experiences 
  5. Documentation for learning and development  
  6. Teaching Strategies to support children’s learning and safety 
  7. Teaching strategies for pro-social competencies
  8. Roles and responsibilities for early childhood practitioners
  9. Leadership and Management for Early Childhood  
  10. Reflecting on practice and professional experience 

This course may be offered in the following formats

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  1. Part A: Major Project: Professional Portfolio (20%)
  2. Part B: Professional Experience Performance Evaluation (based on all required documents) (40%)Students need to complete Professional Experience and receive a satisfactory grade in order to pass this course. Part of this requirement includes submitting their required professional experience documentation. 
    • Situational Analysis 
    • Observation Journal (OJ) – Six Journal Entries 
    • Self-Evaluation Forms – Two forms 
    • Professional Experience Record of Attendance 
  3. Part C: Performance Assessment (40%)Students need to complete Professional Experience and receive a satisfactory grade in order to pass this course. 
    • Learning experiences Evaluation by Mentor x 4 
    • Mentor Report  
    • Tertiary Supervisor Report 

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