Details for EXP431 Professional Experience 1

This first professional experience will focus on understanding of the early childhood profession through developing collaboration and networking skills within a host organisation with a birth to 35 months focus of a minimum 10 days, followed by a 3 to 5 years focus of a minimum 20 days. This professional experience provides opportunities for students to demonstrate and implement theoretical knowledge gained in other subjects within a workplace environment. Students will build on the development of personal and professional attributes, and effective interactions with children. Students will critically reflect on their role in documenting and assessing children’s learning and sharing understandings of children whilst employing a range of tools to ensure a collaborative approach to foster a child centred approach and partnerships with families and community 

Quick Stats

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: EXP431
  • Credit points: 10

Subject Coordinator


Enrolled students must maintain a current Working with Children Check from the appropriate State Authority and meet any other state requirements for undertaking a professional experience in an Early Learning Service. 

Students must be enrolled in or have completed EDU431 and EDU433 

Unit Content


  1. Demonstrate professional conduct in the professional experience context with engagement with children, cultural responsiveness with families, and community through working ethically, inclusively, and collaboratively in partnership with professional colleagues, families, and communities, in ways that respect and value diversity. 
  2. Demonstrate understanding of the policies and procedures of the host organisation 
  3. Observe elements of the cultural, community and family contexts of children’s lives and their implications for curriculum and assessment.
  4. Develop and implement early childhood educational programs with understanding of theoretical perspectives, and the approved learning framework for Early Childhood Education. Draw on knowledge gained from documented observations, theory and EYLF V2.0 to plan, implement and evaluate learning experiences for infants and toddlers, and preschoolers. Document experiences, programs and reflections and evaluate strategies to support the child/ren and family. 
  5. Demonstrate knowledge of the EYLF V2.0- Being, Belonging and Becoming – for the development of positive and productive early childhood education and care Centre environment, define a range of intentional teaching practices including monitoring, planning, and recording that engage children in learning appropriate to their interests, abilities, and needs. 
  6. Describe strategies that support children’s wellbeing and safety working within the early childhood setting, programs, and legislative requirements; 
  7. Apply critical practices that draw from and inform theory, policy and research in ways that promote quality and inclusive early childhood education. 
  8. Build awareness of and implement and reflect on leadership strategies and practices that focus on child centred practice and partnerships with families.  
  9. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the Graduate Teacher Standard Descriptors and relevant learning frameworks in identifying professional learning needs. 

Subject Content

  1. Introduction to Professional experience for infants and toddlers – professional experiences requirements and completion of any state working with children and child protection courses and requirements.  
  2. Planning, Assessing and Documentation – The Assessment and Planning Cycle – documenting observations and learning experiences of infants and toddlers 
  3. The Power of Relationships and effective communication 
  4. Planning, Assessing and Documentation – The Assessment and Planning Cycle – documenting observations and learning experiences of preschoolers and assessment approaches for effective communication with parents/carers 
  5. Professional, legal, and ethical responsibilities as a teacher, with all stakeholders 
    • Professional Standards 
    • Ethical Frameworks 
    • Legislative Frameworks including Duty of Care, Child Protection and Mandatory Reporting 
    • Inclusive practice 
    • Professional relationships 
    • Educational Leadership, Management and Administration 
  6. Health and Safety   
  7. Apply theory and approaches to curriculum and teaching strategies 
  8. Roles and responsibilities, during professional experience, leadership, administration, and management 
  9. Reflecting on professional experience  

This course may be offered in the following formats

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  1. Hurdle Task 1: Completion & submission of all compliance requirements (Satisfactory requirement)
  2. Hurdle Task 2: Pre-professional experience -Quiz  (Satisfactory requirement)
  3. PART A: Performance Evaluation  (based on all required documents). (50%)Students need to complete Professional Experience and receive a satisfactory grade in order to pass this course. Part of this requirement includes submitting their required professional experience documentation. 
    • Situational Analysis  
    • Observation Journal (OJ) – Six Journal Entries 
    • Self-Evaluation Forms – Two forms 
    • Professional Experience Record of Attendance
  4. Part B: Performance Assessment (50% Satisfactory requirement)Students need to complete Professional Experience and receive a satisfactory grade in order to pass this course. 
    • Learning experiences Evaluation by Mentor x 4 
    • Mentor Report  
    • Tertiary Supervisor Report

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