Semester 1 starts Mar 3
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Details for CRS211 Personal Development, Health and Physical Education: Part A

This subject offers an extensive examination of leading researchers in health, sport, and physical education, providing instructional models and resources for classroom application. It focuses on contemporary health issues spanning social, mental, physical, and spiritual realms. This subject addresses relevant subjects, including drug education, fitness, child protection, and nutrition, so that future educators can be equipped to help naviagte some challenging topics.

Quick Stats

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: CRS211
  • Credit points: 10

Subject Coordinator

Contact for more information.


The following courses are prerequisites:

  • EDU101—Foundations in Christian Learning and Teaching or 40 credit points

Unit Content


  1. Identify the stages of child development – physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and moral – and explain the importance of health and nutrition for proper development;
  2. Consider strategies for meeting the needs of students across the full range of abilities and diverse backgrounds including by fostering engagement with parents/carers and the community and external professionals.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationship of the strands within the PDHPE K-6 Syllabus by designing programs for students from diverse backgrounds which foster personal responsibility, goal setting and skill development and improve physical performance
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of and comprehension of the teacher’s role in the organisational, administrative, and WHS aspects of teaching PDHPE including engaging with parents/ carers, professional and external community organisations
  5. Using the NESA PDHPE Years K-6 Syllabus develop student-centred innovative and well-designed lesson sequences (concepts, substance and structure), tools, and skills; language, literacy and numeracy demands of the content including the general capabilities and cross curriculum priorities, and differentiates for the full range of student abilities, and diverse backgrounds that includes assessments across the full range of abilities and designate work samples for reliably reporting to parents/carers and record-keeping;
  6. Critically reflect upon the lesson sequence and curriculum materials using threshold concepts and skills development, knowledge acquisition and signature pedagogies that incorporate ICT, Quality Teaching Framework, and Great Teaching Inspired Learning using Understanding by Design.

Subject Content

  1. Consider the place of the NESA PDHPE syllabus and school implementation with particular emphasis on the general capabilities and cross curriculum priorities.
  2. Understanding the aims, rationale and sequential development of the NESA PDHPE Syllabus K-6 as worked through the syllabus to develop effective teaching and learning programs that support student academic achievement, the wider goals of society and whole person development.
  3. Place of PDHPE in the continuum of learning in K-12: including: a particular understanding of the links between Stage 3 and Stage 4; key terms; trends in PDHPE, hidden curriculum, ideologies and beliefs about fitness education; physical, social, emotional and moral development; negotiating the curriculum; inquiry-based education;
  4. Knowledge and understanding of PDHPE as an academic discipline including: recent theory and practice; the various philosophies of PDHPE including the socio-cultural influences on physical activity and the social view of health, comparing such to Christian and other faith constructs of PDHPE, and discerning the teaching of significant people in the discipline: Professor Daryl Siedentop, Dr Peter Whipp, Professor Andrew Taggart and their pedagogy, curriculum and instructional model designs that provide authentic rich sports experiences
  5. Models of pedagogy for teaching and assessing PDHPE: historical development of models of teaching PDHPE: Bandura, Bruner’s Discovery, Bronfenbrenner, Goodlad, stages of change; self-efficacy theory; consideration of the traditional, teacher-directed approaches of skill-drill practice with the shift to a Game Centred Approach (GCA); Sports Education; Fundamental Movement Skills; Guided discovery/inquiry, creating; developing critical thinking
  6. Programming and planning: Literature-based, integrated, thematic, group and lesson templates, differentiated and inclusive; modelling behaviour of teacher important for congruency;
  7. Use curriculum, assessment and reporting knowledge to design learning sequences and lesson plans; encouraging reflective thought and action; enhancing the relevance of new learning; facilitating shared learning; making connections to prior learning and experience; providing sufficient opportunities to learn; teaching as inquiry and e-learning and pedagogy;
  8. Using the Quality Teaching Framework (QTF): develop positive learning environments to implement school based and state education policies and legislation for enhancing quality teaching and learning and student wellbeing;
  9. Incorporating Workplace Health and Safety, including: completing risk assessments for each activity and sport undertaken and consideration of student physical abilities and provision of alternative tasks for measuring PE performance;
  10. Education for a Healthy Life: wholistic approach to the value of healthy habits and personal development (e.g. nutrition, activity); identity issues connected to diversity (cultural, linguistic, racial, religious and Aboriginal and Torres St Islander backgrounds). Bullying and empowering strategies and communication;
  11. Working in outdoor environments: warm up and cool down theories, language of instruction and feedback, managing challenging student behaviours, working with unfit and disengaged students; knowledge of teaching strategies that are responsive to the learning strengths and needs of students from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds;
  12. Place of associations in creating professional support networks, including the PDHPE Teachers’ Association, and ACHPER.

This course may be offered in the following formats

  • Face-to-Face
  • Distance/ Global Online

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  1. Minor Essay (30%)
  2. Case Study (30%)
  3. Major Project (40%)

Prescribed Text

  • References will include the most current curriculum requirements for schools.

Check with the instructor each semester before purchasing any prescribed texts or representative references