Semester 1 starts Mar 3
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Details for CRS104 Numeracy and Literacy

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  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: CRS104
  • Credit points: 10

Subject Coordinator

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Unit Content


  1. Develop knowledge and understandings of literacy and numeracy strategies and their incorporation as general capabilities in ACARA and NSW NESA syllabuses;
  2. Analyse the literacy and numeracy demands of the subjects and curriculum in their teaching areas and the implications of this for Christian and alternate schools.
  3. Identify a range of teaching strategies and their application in teaching areas for integrating literacy and/or numeracy into their chosen learning areas; Interpret the relevant K-6 curricular and be able to select and apply this information, together with knowledge of diverse learners (linguistic, cultural and socioeconomic) and assessment and reporting knowledge, to plan authentic and engaging lesson sequences for the full range of abilities;
  4. Select relevant ICT resources and skills for integration with numeracy;
  5. Recognise the concepts that underpin literacy and numeracy and their importance within different cultural belief systems including Australian Indigenous communities.

Subject Content

  1. Introduction. What is ACARA and what are the General Capabilities;
  2. General Capabilities: Literacy (and the difference between English and literacy) and Numeracy (and the difference between Mathematics and Numeracy);
  3. Becoming literate (literacy continuum, organising elements for literacy) and lesson planning for literacy;
  4. Literacy across the curriculum (In English, Mathematics, science, History, Health);
  5. Becoming numerate (numeracy continuum) and lesson planning for numeracy;
  6. Numeracy across the curriculum (In English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Health and PE);
  7. Critical Numeracy (the use of statistics in media, sports, tourism and hospitality) and the ethical and unethical use of statistics for various purposes;
  8. Critically engage with teaching pedagogies and theories for integrating literacy and numeracy in light of a Christian Worldview;
  9. Applying “Backwards by Design” in lesson planning and assessment;
  10. Technology and Interactive Whiteboard pedagogies for integrating literacy and numeracy across the curriculum, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Framework;
  11. ICT resources and digital resource selection for integrating literacy and numeracy across the curriculum, focusing on Scottle resources within ACARA (; 
  12. Literacy and Numeracy for ESL and Aboriginal and Torres Strait lslanders: pedagogical issues; the role of Aboriginal Education Officers and other support strategies.

This course may be offered in the following formats

  • Face-to-Face
  • Distance/ Global Online

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  1. Interview Analysis (25%)
  2. Literacy Lesson Plan Sequence (25%)
  3. Numeracy Lesson Plan Sequence (25%)
  4. Minor Project (25%)

Prescribed Text

  • References will include the most current curriculum requirements for schools.

Check with the instructor each semester before purchasing any prescribed texts or representative references