Semester 1 starts Mar 3
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Details for CRS570 Learning Design, Engagement and Innovation

This unit provides an opportunity for Teacher Education students to investigate the use of innovative and research-based teaching approaches for a teaching area or an area of interest for pedagogy specialist skill development.  Research-based evidence of how the brain learns and retains information will form the basis of pedagogies in practice. Students will also consider how to embed principles and values in pedagogy. Subject specific pedagogy will be explored as a basis for maximising student engagement and establishing effective classroom management practices. Specific attention will also be given to developing differentiated teaching and assessment resources with the innovative use of technologies, including Generative AI, to meet the diverse needs of learners. 

Quick Stats

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: CRS570
  • Credit points: 10

Subject Coordinator


EDU408 Teaching and Learning Evidence and Practice
EDU407 Foundations of Christian Education

Unit Content


  1. Apply evidence-based theory (including how the brain learns and retains information) to discuss the application and effectiveness of teaching methods in teaching knowledge and skills in specific teaching areas with expert judgement 
  2. Investigate how values, principles and beliefs shape pedagogy and demonstrate how these can be synthesised into teaching approaches and activities with creativity and initiative. 
  3. Design a series of lesson plans, including relevant formative assessment tasks, that utilise the responsible and ethical use of ICT and Generative AI, into teaching practice and evaluate their effectiveness against a set of identified criteria.  
  4. Construct an e-portfolio of subjectspecific proactive classroom management practices and motivate their suitability for maximising student engagement with reference to student developmental stages and diversity, demonstrating adaptability and responsibility. 
  5. Explain and justify the use of responsive teaching methods to meet the diverse needs of learners including EAL/D students, gifted students and students with disabilities, demonstrating personal autonomy and accountability. 

Subject Content

  1. The Brain and Learning Design – Part 1  
  2. The Brain and Learning Design – Part 2 
  3. The Brain and Learning Design – Part 3 
  4. Pedagogy, philosophy, evidence and worldview 
  5. Classroom Management Practices for Engagement – Part 1 
  6. Classroom Management Practices for Engagement – Part 2 
  7. Classroom Management Practices for Engagement – Part 3
  8. Classroom Management Practices for Engagement – Part 4 
  9. Innovation for Responsive Teaching – Part 1 
  10. Innovation for Responsive Teaching – Part 2
  11. Innovation for Responsive Teaching – Part 3 

This course may be offered in the following formats

  • Face to face on site (extensive) 
  • Face to face on site (intensive) 
  • E-learning (online/asynchronous) 
  • E-learning (online/synchronous) 

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  1. Learning Design: Podcast: The Young Adult’s Brain, how they Learn and the implications of this for teaching. (30%)
  2. E-Portfolio of Classroom Management & Engagement Strategies (30%)
  3. Lesson Plans and Evaluation (40%)

Prescribed Text

Check with the instructor each semester before purchasing any prescribed texts or representative references