Semester 1 starts Mar 3
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Details for EDU542 Learning and Teaching through ICT

Explore the ways ICT skills can be embedded across the curriculum to support quality learning and teaching based on relevant pedagogical approaches for Years 7-12/Stages 4-6. Pre-service teachers will gain experience in using technology as a productivity tool and in the design and evaluation of learning resources.

Quick Stats

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: EDU542
  • Credit points: 10

Subject Coordinator


The following courses are prerequisites:

  • EDU401 – Foundations in Christian Learning and Teaching or 40 credit points.

Unit Content


  1. Critically analyse the concepts, substance; structure and content of the selected readings and reflect on how they inform understanding of the impact of technology in education and teaching practice;
  2. Select and evaluate appropriate free and commercial educational software tools (including government sites and resources), mobile apps, web services and online learning resources as: a. productivity tools that will improve efficiency in teaching and administrative tasks; assessment and reporting; data analysis; b. increase engagement and understanding in student learning;
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the APSTs in identifying professional learning needs;
  4. Plans a unit of work from relevant syllabus, for concept and skills development, and knowledge acquisition that incorporates ICT for learning and to judge student achievement through assessment of learning, for learning and in learning, which could be used to reliably report to parents/carers and professionals.
  5. Multimedia presentation to parents/carers on the use of ICT in a designated unit of work, including communicating the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT;
  6. Justifies the use of multimedia presentations to engage parents/ carers and community in understanding how assessment, recording and reporting works within both Christian and state school environments.

Subject Content

  1. Approaches to Teaching: understanding of the capacity of ICT to support differentiated student-centred learning and the development of critical and creative thinking; educational research literature; pedagogical theories and assessment strategies for ICT in education; emerging theories;
  2. Using Technology: ICT technologies (computers, mobile devices, interactive whiteboards etc.); ICT in education, e-portfolios, assistive technologies; ICT as a productivity tool for both students and teachers; modelling these practices in a pedagogically sound way; ICT safety and acceptable use policies; current technology issues; online collaboration student-student, teacher-student and teacher-teacher; understanding of the collaborative and student led nature of effective ICT-mediated learning;
  3. Managing Information: Evaluating information sources, locating scholarly information; collecting information (data collection devices, surveys); citing information; techniques for managing information, presenting and communicating information;
  4. Instructional Design: ID theories; available e-learning and m-learning tools (free and commercial); teaching students to critique tools and nurture innovative improvements; developing engaging and interactive educational resources; evaluating educational software and resources; limitations of technology; ICT-based assessment tasks linked to curriculum outcomes.
  5. Social Impact: worldview; the knowledge generation; impact of technology on society; digital piracy, ethical issues, cyber bullying and harassment;
  6. Issues in education – classroom management and pedagogical best practices in a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) environment; Open Educational Resources (OER) Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs); debates such as to filter/not filter internet access, allowing administration rights to students, and copyright issues associated with technology.

This course may be offered in the following formats

  • Face-to-Face
  • Intensive
  • Distance/ Global Online

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  1. Critical Reflection (30%)
  2. Professional e-Portfolio (30%)
  3. Unit of Work and Multimedia Presentation (40%)

Prescribed Text

  • References will include the most current curriculum requirements for schools.

Check with the instructor each semester before purchasing any prescribed texts or representative references