Details for EDU502 History and Geography

This subject provides an in-depth exploration of the HSIE Key Learning Areas of History and Geography and opens prospects for integration with other Learning Areas. The study of History and Geography assists in the development of a deeper understanding of the Teacher Education Student’s Christian or alternate worldview. Australia’s multicultural society is celebrated as the Teacher Education Student seeks to inspire the young to care for their country and their world for future generations.  

Quick Stats

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: EDU502
  • Credit points:

Subject Coordinator


EDU407 Foundations in Christian Education

  • Courses offering EDU502

Unit Content


Explain the importance of the History and Geography NESA AND ACARA syllabi in the context of contemporary multi-faith societies and in the light of the Teacher Education Students’ developing philosophy of education.
Critically appraise one’s own personal worldview in the light of changing society’s values and the challenges engendered in teaching values in school.

Critically analyse the historical development of Australian society, including Australian Indigenous history, and identify potential models for future peace and prosperity.

Evaluate the development of the most recent ACARA History and Geography K-6 curricula and the latest NESA syllabi.

Construct programs for sustainable earth stewardship, according to the biblical mandate, that captures the imagination of young people and ultimately change society’s values.

Subject Content

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Assessment Methods

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