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Details for EDU416 Early Reading (Years K-2)

Reading is a foundational, yet complex cognitive skill upon which other skills are built. This unit introduces the pedagogy of reading in the early years, including approaches to working with print-based, digital and multimodal texts. It covers various aspects of teaching reading, including the components of reading instruction, approaches to teaching and assessing reading, the social practices of reading, and a reflection on reading pedagogy and how it is situated in the 21st century. The first few years of formal schooling are critical for the development of reading in a child’s life, and this unit adequately prepares students to teach the five key components of effective reading programs: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension, explicitly, systematically and sequentially. 

Quick Stats

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: EDU416
  • Credit points: 10

Subject Coordinator

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EDU407—Foundations in Christian Education 

Unit Content


  1. Demonstrate and apply an understanding of theoretical perspectives on the process of reading. 
  2. Critically evaluate evidence-based approaches to teaching reading.  
  3. Demonstrate and apply knowledge of strategies for teaching reading to students with a range of needs and backgrounds. 
  4. Apply an understanding of diagnostic assessment to the design of a reading program addressing relevant curriculum or syllabus outcomes. 
  5. Critically reflect on ways in which literacy pedagogy in the 21st century is socially and culturally situated. 

Subject Content

  1. NESA English Syllabus K-2 & Graduate Standards 
  2. Theories that support literacy development 
    • Psycholinguistic Theory
    • Sociocultural Theory
    • Critical Literacy Theory
    • Constructivist Theory
    • Multiliteracies Theory
    • Literacy as Social Practice
  3. Values educationPhilosophy of teaching English, ideologies and beliefs 
  4. Teaching English K-2 
  5. Phonics and Phonemic awareness 
  6. Teaching Reading for Diverse Settings 
  7. Teaching the reading process to emergent and developing readers 1 
    • Phonemic Awareness
    • Phonics Instruction
    • Vocabulary Development
    • Fluency Practice
  8. Teaching the reading process to emergent and developing readers 2 Guided Reading
    • Differentiated Instruction
    • Literacy-rich Environment
    • Visual literacy, Multi modal learning  
  9. Teaching and Learning sequences units of work 
    • Identifying Learning Objectives
    • Selecting Resources and Materials
    • Differentiating Instruction
    • Assessment and Evaluation
    • Sequencing Learning Experiences
    • Reflection and Revision
  10. Differentiating Reading  
    • Flexible Grouping
    • Scaffolded Instruction
    • Differentiated Assignments
    • Technology Integration
  11. Assessing reading K-2 
    • Observation
    • Running Records
    • Informal Reading Inventories (IRIs)
    • Phonemic Awareness Assessments
    • Sight Word Recognition

This course may be offered in the following formats

  • E-learning (online/asynchronous) 
  • E-learning (online/synchronous) 

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  1. Reflective Journal (20%)
  2. Individual Presentation (40%)
  3. Major Essay (40%)

Prescribed Text

  • Reading, Writing, and Talk: Inclusive Teaching Strategies for Diverse Learners, K 2. Mariana Souto-Manning, Jessica Martell. Teachers College Press, 14 May 2016 
  • Developing early literacy. Assessment and teaching. Hill, S, Eleanor Curtain Publishing. 3rd ed. 2021ISBN: 9781761073021