Details for EDU431 Early Childhood Praxis and Pedagogy

This subject introduces students to the various discourses that inform teachers’ knowledge and pedagogical practice and provides them with the opportunity to critically engage with models of pedagogy. It considers the professional role of the teacher by exploring the relevant industry standards and the Early Years Learning Framework. This unit provides a comprehensive analysis of theoretical and philosophical perspectives. Contemporary curriculum will be examined with particular emphasis on relevant approved learning frameworks and curriculum documents. Students are introduced to a wide range of assessment and reporting techniques including documentation to enhance planning for learning. The aim of this unit is to build the student’s knowledge of pedagogical practices in the early years and build their capacity to transfer this knowledge into practice. 

Quick Stats

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: EDU431
  • Credit points: 10

Subject Coordinator



Unit Content


  1. Demonstrate understanding of the historical and contemporary perspectives of childhood, learning and pedagogy. 
  2. Examine, compare and critique the theoretical influences on the role of play and associated early childhood pedagogies and practices. 
  3. Examine the roles of the early childhood teacher in guiding children in response to their ideas and play, extending learning and promoting agency.  
  4. Plan for and implement effective learning and teaching by applying knowledge of curriculum, assessment and reporting and evaluation in the teaching learning assessment cycle as part of an ongoing cycle of observation, analysing learning, documentation, planning, implementation, and reflection. 
  5. Analyse the scope of programming in domains, learning and teaching, assessment and evaluation and teaching strategies.
  6. Demonstrate knowledge and use of a range of assessment tools for early childhood that can be used in the preservice teacher’s future career to enhance planning for learning by fostering engagement of children and families in learning. 
  7. Investigate and develop experiences using a range of pedagogical strategies, EYLF outcomes and practices, to support children’s learning and development across a range of developmental domains, curriculum areas, contexts, and age levels. 
  8. Examine and critique collaborative partnerships with families and communities to enhance children’s learning, inclusion and wellbeing  
  9. Modify processes and processes for reporting to parents/carers for increased learning outcomes of all students 

Subject Content

  1. Historical, cultural, and philosophical perspectives on the image of the child and its impact on teaching and learning practices. Evidence informed practice in relations to Early Childhood pedagogy and practice. 
    • Models of pedagogy and theories of learning and development. Theories of Play: The role of play in learning: 
    • Play plans – (Bodrova & Leong) 
    • Conceptual play worlds (Fleer) 
    • Schema play 
    • Steiner 
    • Nature play – floor books, lines of enquiry, talking listening trees, talking tubs 
    • Anji Play 
    • 21st Century constructions of play 
  2. Knowledge and analysis of the EYLF V2.0 Practices, Principles and Learning outcomes. 
  3. Programming and planning:  curriculum; group; individual students’ needs, backgrounds, perspectives and interests reflected in the learning program; students challenged to explore, question and engage with significant ideas and practices; creating and maintaining a safe but challenging learning environment; strategies for evaluating learning and teaching programs to improve learning, critiquing best practice in programming and planning, inquiry-based learning, play-based pedagogy. 
  4. Engagement – selection of resources, teaching strategies, physical environment, human factors, teaching approaches, the environment as the third teacher. 
  5. Assessment for learning, Assessment as learning, Assessment on learning; self-assessment; portfolios; concept mapping; questioning; teacher observation; school, summative assessment floor books, projects, ; who should have access, where/how long should data be stored, assessment practices as an integral part of learning and teaching; authentic assessment; variety of student learning preferences; applying culturally responsive inclusive practices in relation to assessment; age-appropriate assessment; early years assessment and monitoring practices. interpreting student assessment data to evaluate student learning and modify teaching practice. 
  6. Documentation and reporting practices of early childhood play-based pedagogies that facilitate engagement and collaboration with children, families, colleagues, and other professionals. Reporting: student assessment, legislative requirements, and service-based reporting to parents. 

This course may be offered in the following formats

  1. Face to face on site (extensive)
  2. E-learning (online/asynchronous) 
  3. E-learning (online/synchronous)
    One-year full time or part-time equivalent
    60 days of supervised professional experience 

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  1. Major Essay: create a blog (30%)
  2. Individual/Group Presentation (30%)
  3. Major Project (40%)

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