Details for EDU435 Early Childhood Management, Leadership and Research

This unit focuses on the theory, practice and representation of leadership and management in the field of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), both nationally and internationally. Students explore a range of approaches to effective leadership and management practice within the current Early Childhood legislative context to support the development of relevant skills and knowledge required in the sector. Leadership roles and responsibilities in ECEC are examined through exploration of ethical approaches to leadership, regulatory requirements, advocacy, pedagogical leadership, and partnerships with families and communities. Research and reflective practice are examined in building a strong culture of professional inquiry. The subject introduces research in Early Education and Care to design ethical and appropriate research methods and practices and articulate relevant research topics, questions, and methods

Quick Stats

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: EDU435
  • Credit points: 10

Subject Coordinator



Unit Content


  1. Identify and discuss the skills, dispositions, and responsibilities required for leadership of Early Childhood Education services and the management of regulatory requirements under the National Quality Framework. 
  2. Appraise theories and models of leadership appropriate to the Early Childhood Education context with critical reflection to generate, evaluate and transform professionally oriented knowledge and practice. 
  3. Synthesise and communicate research and its results to different audiences. 
  4. Analyse and discuss how effective leadership can build a positive organisational culture, model ethics and enhance quality practice within an Early Education Childhood context. 

Subject Content

  1. Socio-cultural, historical, and legal context of Early Childhood Education National Quality Framework 
  2. Examination of current principles, practices, theories, and styles of leadership in Early Childhood settings in both an international and national context. And evaluate their impact on professional practice in Early Childhood 
  3. Analysis of current management approaches and practices and evaluate their impact on professional practice in Early Childhood settings. 
  4. Discuss pedagogical and educational leadership and their impact on professional practice in the context of provision of quality Early Childhood Education and professional and ethical practice which establishes positive organisational cultures in Early Childhood Education and Care.
  5. Reflective practice for quality pedagogical provision of ECEC to young children:
    Research on teaching, learning and outcomes shows that quality pedagogy improves children’s outcomes. High-quality pedagogical practice is underpinned by theories and research evidence concerning children’s learning, acknowledging and supporting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and links to the practice, principles and learning outcomes of the approved learning frameworks. Effective pedagogical practice utilises a range of teaching strategies, assesses children’s learning in all types of experiences to plan for children’s future learning, builds on intentional teaching based on knowledge of children’s cultural contexts gained through interactions with children and their families, and draws on current knowledge to extend children’s thinking and inquiry and sense of belonging and connectedness.
  6. Research Methodologies and Development.
    Utilising child development knowledge and implementing research to actively contribute to ECEC policy discussions.
    Communicating research effectively to other professionals and parents.
  7. Leading through Quality Improvement 
    Leading through Advocacy 

This course may be offered in the following formats

  1. Face to face on site (extensive)
  2. E-learning (online/asynchronous)
  3. E-learning (online/synchronous)

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  1. Forum Post (20%)
  2. Critical Reflection (20%)
  3. Major Project (70%)

Prescribed Text