This unit introduces child development theories and approaches to child well-being, protection and inclusivity. Students will examine major theories and current issues in child development, well-being, and inclusivity and apply them to educational practice. They will also investigate the implications for early childhood education to maximise developmental outcomes, with particular emphasis within the Australian socio-cultural context. and develop an awareness of resources and pedagogies that value student diversities. Barriers to education will be explored together with a range of social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental factorsmand strategies for addressing these barriers. With emphasis on knowing individual students and how they learn, this subject also examines effective engagement and interaction with parents/carers and maintaining safe supportive, respectful, inclusive education and care environments.
Developmental Theories – social, emotional, cognitive – EYLF Learning outcome 1 – Children have a strong sense of identity.
Sociocultural Theories – Fine motor, gross motor, cognitive, language, literacy, numeracy – EYLF Learning outcome 4 – Children are confident and involve learners + Outcome 5 – Children are effective communicators.
Critical Theories – children’s agency, strategies for children’s input and critical inquiry approach to curriculum planning, evaluation, and assessment.
Post structuralist theories – equity, inclusion, and social relationships.