Details for EDU432 Early Childhood Development, Wellbeing, and Inclusivity

This unit introduces child development theories and approaches to child well-being, protection and inclusivity. Students will examine major theories and current issues in child development, well-being, and inclusivity and apply them to educational practice. They will also investigate the implications for early childhood education to maximise developmental outcomes, with particular emphasis within the Australian socio-cultural context.  and develop an awareness of resources and pedagogies that value student diversities. Barriers to education will be explored together with a range of social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental factorsmand strategies for addressing these barriers. With emphasis on knowing individual students and how they learn, this subject also examines effective engagement and interaction with parents/carers and maintaining safe supportive, respectful, inclusive education and care environments.  

Quick Stats

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: EDU432
  • Credit points: 10

Subject Coordinator

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Unit Content


  1. Identify and analyse contemporary theoretical perspectives and approaches to different domains of development and understand the many and varying influences important to the development of the child and a growth mindset. 
  2. Identify, demonstrate and apply a professional understanding of health, well-being and inclusivity issues, regulations, policies and practices in Early Childhood services.  
  3. Explore the relationship between growth and development to interpret aspects of child development related to specific chronological age groups and demonstrate awareness and respect for cultural, historical, and contextual influences on children’s development. 
  4. Apply theory and knowledge of child development to interpret children’s development and learning, appraise typical and atypical patterns of child development using developmental indicators and use them to plan follow-up experiences that support their development, well-being, and inclusivity. 
  5. Identify and evaluate effective classroom intervention strategies and apply legislation and policies to support children with special education needs. 
  6. Observe, document, and assess children’s learning. 

Subject Content

  1. Theories of development in contemporary early childhood education Behavioural Child Development Theories –behaviour management strategies and consequences of behaviour 
    • Watson 
    • Skinner 

    Developmental Theories – social, emotional, cognitive – EYLF Learning outcome 1 – Children have a strong sense of identity.  

    • Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental Theory 
    • Bowlby’s Attachment Theory 
    • Erickson’s Psychosocial Developmental Theory  


    Sociocultural Theories – Fine motor, gross motor, cognitive, language, literacy, numeracy – EYLF Learning outcome 4 – Children are confident and involve learners + Outcome 5 – Children are effective communicators. 

    • Vygotsky 
    • Bandura’s Social Learning  

    Critical Theories – children’s agency, strategies for children’s input and critical inquiry approach to curriculum planning, evaluation, and assessment. 

    • Freire

    Post structuralist theories – equity, inclusion, and social relationships. 

    • Foucault
    • MacNaughton
    • Canella
    • Grieshaber
  2. Child Development and Care 
    • Cognitive development – typical and atypical development 
    • Physical development – – typical and atypical development 
    • Social emotional Development – – typical and atypical development (attachment theory and the relevance for Early Childhood Care and Education) 
    • Moral Development – – typical and atypical development 
    • Child development and specific chronological age groups 
    • The impact of relationships in supporting the physical, social, and emotional health and wellbeing of young children 
  3. Legislation, policies, and Frameworks for health, safety. wellbeing and inclusivity 
  4. Historical and contemporary perspectives of Inclusive education, student diversity, barriers, and strategies. Cultural identity. The development of identity – Imago Dei 
  5. Areas of challenge: abuse, bullying, identity and self-concept. The impact and use of digital devices and social media.  
  6. Managing behaviour – positive discipline, prosocial behaviour strategies and programs. Classroom interventions. 
  7. Teaching pedagogies, , key concepts and practices including: 
    • Management of equity and inclusion 
    • Curriculum approaches 
    • Play based pedagogies. 
    • High expectations  
    • Universal design for learning approach 
    • Adjustments, modifications, and provisions 
    • Documentation of children’s learning 
    • Intentional teaching in Early Childhood contexts
  8. Health, safety and hygiene including: 
    • Promotion of a safe secure supportive respectful Learning Environment 
    • Hygiene 
    • Infection control 
    • Dietary and medical needs 
    • Planning, implementing, evaluating, and reporting healthy physical activity and healthy eating learning opportunities for young children aligned with curriculum, policy documents and frameworks. 
    • Approaches supporting the physical, social, and emotional health and wellbeing of young children in Early Childhood settings including a play based pedagogical approach and safe and supportive environments. Social Emotional Learning.  
  9. Effective engagement for health, safety, wellbeing, and inclusion with stakeholders 
    • Socially inclusive and culturally responsive practice. 

This course may be offered in the following formats

  • Face to face on site (extensive)
  • E-learning (online/asynchronous) 
  • E-learning (online/synchronous)
    One-year full time or part-time equivalent
    60 days of supervised professional experience 

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  1. Exam  (30%)
  2. Wellbeing Task (30%)
  3. Major Project : Inclusive Practice – Case Study Scenario, short answer questions and individual learning plan (40%)

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