Unit Content
- Demonstrate advanced understanding of Australian and State educational policies and priorities and their effect on implementing ‘best practice’ teaching strategies and engaging resources fulfil the aims of the NSW Studies of Religion Syllabus (Stage 6);
- Describe in detail the origins, principal beliefs, sacred texts and writings, ethical systems and personal devotion in the home from one of the five religious traditions – its organisation, the teacher’s role involving support, mentoring, professional development goals, curriculum administration, WHS, and engaging with parents/carers, professional and external community organisations in the teaching of Year 11-12 NSW Studies of Religion Syllabus in both Christian and alternate school contexts;
- Develop student-centred innovative and well-designed lesson sequences (links with other social science disciplines, skills development, and knowledge acquisition, literacy and numeracy demands of the content including the general capabilities and cross curriculum priorities, and differentiates for the full range of student abilities, and diverse backgrounds (multilingual and sociocultural), providing explicit strategies to support students’ wellbeing and safety- legally and educationally, in a range of school contexts;
- Design and critically reflect upon, lesson sequences, and curriculum materials using threshold concepts and skills development, knowledge acquisition and signature pedagogies that incorporate ICT, Quality Teaching Framework, and Great Teaching Inspired Learning using Understanding by Design;
- Prepare and critically reflect upon a variety of assessment instruments using ‘best practice’ that demonstrate understanding of statistical information, assessment moderation and its application to judge student achievement through assessment of learning, for learning and in learning. Develop examples which could be used to reliably report to parents/carers and professionals. Prepare and assess the integrating of assessment strategies, unit evaluation, course evaluation, and HSC examination.
Subject Content
- NESA Studies of Religion Stage 6
- Values and human issues, Community Participation, Teacher professional associations
- Teaching Studies of Religion Stage 6, Teacher Decision Making, Teaching General Capabilities, Teaching for the range of abilities, Teaching for Diverse Settings
- Teacher program development, Teacher decision making
- Models Supporting Assessment
This course may be offered in the following formats
This subject can be offered in a variety of modes: weekly lectures; mixed/blended; online; 5-day intensive (7 contact hours each); extensive (5 days spread over the semester). This allows for students to complete readings, reflection and assessment and prepare for in-class activities between classes. The hours are the same as for an intensive: 7 hours per day for 5 days = 35 class hours + approx 85 hours out of class time for research, writing, exam preparation and execution, ancillary activities associated with completion of assigned tasks).
Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.
Assessment Methods
- Digital Video Resource (30%)
- Lesson Plan Sequence (30%)
- Assessing a Unit of Work (40%)
Prescribed Text