CRS441 Curriculum Studies – Integrated Sciences deals with science as it characterises primary and secondary school curricula. Science can be an uncomfortable topic in many Christian schools, sometimes being seen as the basis for a secular worldview that the school explicitly exists to challenge. The way that some people use science in irritating and distressing attacks on faith makes such suspicion understandable. However, many of these disputes rest on naïve and simplistic accounts of both science and faith. Science is an important part of contemporary life and a compulsory part of schooling, so those responsible for teaching it require a deeper understanding of such issues than may be the case for others, within the contexts of teaching and learning that they share with their fellow teachers. CRS441 integrates concern for such issues with teaching practice in contemporary Christian schools.
EDU407 Foundations in Christian Learning and Teaching
Check with the instructor each semester before purchasing any prescribed texts or representative references.