Details for EDU433 Curriculum Studies in Early Childhood

This subject provides students with an opportunity to understand the various discourses that inform teachers’ knowledge and pedagogical practice, as well as an opportunity to develop conceptual knowledge of holistic approaches to teaching in the Early Childhood context. Early Childhood pedagogy is examined with regard to learning, teaching and assessment, supporting connections and continuities across diverse contexts. Students will engage with a range of contemporary early childhood policies, curriculum documents, and frameworks They will also explore an integrated approach to learning through key curriculum areas of science, technology engineering and mathematics (STEM), creative arts, language, history and physical wellbeing for children aged from birth to five years.  

Quick Stats

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: EDU433
  • Credit points: 10

Subject Coordinator



Unit Content


  1. Analyse early childhood policies, documents, frameworks and guidelines at the national, state and local levels to design curriculum that supports continuity in children’s learning. 
  2. Explore and evaluate a range of strategies that facilitate responsive and collaborative relationships with children, families and colleagues in planning for learning using the EYLF V2.0 assessment and planning cycle approach   
  3. Understand and apply conceptual knowledge related to key domains in early childhood through describing, with reference to the literature, how holistic and integrated play-based curriculum approaches support children’s learning. 
  4. Design, implement and evaluate play-based learning experiences for children that include a range of teaching strategies, and to appraise the provision of learning environments for developmentally and culturally appropriate curriculum domains.  

Subject Content

  1. Hidden curriculum, international and national focuses and priority areas. The influence of culture, etc on changing these.   
  2. Knowledge of the EYLF V2.0 Practices Principles and Learning Outcomes design, scope and sequence, experiences and projects. 
  3. Integrated holistic and interconnected curriculum approaches in Early Childhood Education; play based pedagogy and intentionality. Assessment approaches in Early Childhood Education and reporting sp; legislative requirements.
  4. Planning, implementing, and evaluating learning experiences in indoor and outdoor environments in Early Childhood.  
  5. Planning, implementing, and evaluating learning experiences in literacy and numeracy in Early Childhood Education 
  6. Planning, implementing, and evaluating learning experiences in children’s Physical and Emotional Wellbeing. Ensuring safety – balancing duty of care and safety with risk. 
  7. Planning, implementing, and evaluating learning experiences in creative arts in early childhood 
  8. Planning, implementing, and evaluating learning experiences in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Early Childhood Education 
  9. Planning, implementing, and evaluating learning experiences in integrating history and culture, equity, and social justice. 

This course may be offered in the following formats

  1. Face to face on site (extensive) 
  2. E-learning (online/asynchronous)
  3. E-learning (online/synchronous)

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  1. Program Plan (30%)
  2. Major Essay (30%)
  3. Major Project  (40%)

Prescribed Text