Details for CRS542 Curriculum Studies – Chemistry

CRS441 Integrated Science dealt with science courses that characterise almost all learner experience of secondary school curricula. CRS541 Physics and CRS542 Chemistry deal with discipline-based courses that are more characteristic of the senior secondary years and are attempted by fewer learners. Chemistry can seem more comfortable for many Christian schools, so CRS542 builds on the broader issues you encountered in the earlier course, with a focus on strategies that depend on learner activity and on the reporting issues that arise from learning that involves the development of specific skills, as well as particular knowledge. 

Quick Stats

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: CRS542
  • Credit points: 10

Subject Coordinator



  • EDU401 Foundations in Christian Learning and Teaching
  • CRS441 Curriculum Studies: Integrated Sciences


  • CRS541 Curriculum Studies: Physics

Unit Content


  1. Demonstrate their understanding of key policy and curriculum issues.
  2. Evaluate a range of strategies, technologies and resources for teaching Chemistry
  3. Apply their understanding of key curricular and system factors to analysis of specific resources relevant to teaching Chemistry in schools
  4. Demonstrate integration of aims, objectives, content, outcomes and banded statements of learner achievement by planning coherent Chemistry units that satisfy local curriculum mandates, within schools sharing a Christian or alternate worldview
  5. Use the educational literature to defend practice within parameters set by school and system policies and current Education Authority mandates.
  6. Select a range of strategies, technologies and resources for teaching Chemistry
  7. Analyse contemporary Chemistry documents to identify issues at the intersection of science and religion
  8. Design and present on-line material for Chemistry

Subject Content

  1. What makes ‘Chemistry’ different from the other sciences?
  2. Common content for Chemistry 7-12
  3. A brief history of Chemistry
  4. Strategies for teaching Chemistry 1
  5. Evaluation issues in Teaching Chemistry: Testing practical skills
  6. Strategies for teaching Chemistry 2
  7. Strategies for teaching Chemistry 3
  8. Strategies for teaching Chemistry 4
  9. Contemporary Chemistry
  10. Teaching Chemistry Christianly 1: Powerful potential
  11. ICT and learning in Chemistry
  12. Teaching Chemistry Christianly 2: Controversial issues in Chemistry classes

This course may be offered in the following formats

  • Face to Face (onsite)
  • Distance/E-learning (online)

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  • Productive engagement in Forums and Tutorials (25%)
  • An essay analysing resources available for teaching Chemistry within local policy mandates (15%)
  • Forum posting of fully documented plan for curriculum-appropriate Chemistry unit, with specified teaching strategies (30%)
  • ICT-rich resource on analysis of Chemistry topic that allows productive exploration of science/religion issues (30%)


Prescribed Text

  • References will include the most current curriculum requirements for schools.

Check with the instructor each semester before purchasing any prescribed texts or representative references.