Semester 1 starts Feb 17 and Mar 3
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Details for EDU503 Curriculum Development in Christian Schools

Explore curriculum as a human construct that shapes the teaching and learning of created realities. Students will learn to apply knowledge of various curriculum approaches, students will select criteria for biblically faithful curriculum development and use these in the critical evaluation of curriculum documents.

Quick Stats

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: EDU503
  • Credit points: 10

Subject Coordinator

Contact for more information.


The following subjects are prerequisites:

  • EDU400 Biblical Foundations of Education and EDU501 Worldviews and Educational Practice 

The following subjects are corequisites:

  • EDU507 Reflective Pedagogy

Unit Content


  1. Demonstrate specialised knowledge of the theories and practices underpinning curriculum design and development.
  2. Critically analyse and evaluate the influence of worldviews and cultural trends on school-based and government mandated curriculum.
  3. Articulate and justify biblically faithful principles for curriculum design and development.
  4. Apply principles of biblically faithful curriculum design to the development or review of curriculum.
  5. Critically reflect on the development of curriculum within communities of practice.

Subject Content

  1. Understanding the nature of curriculum: Overview of definitions and development of curriculum as a concept
  2. Deciding what will be taught, and how: The place of curricula in the Christian teacher’s classroom practice
  3. Evaluating curriculum: A biblical basis for understanding criteria for evaluating and reviewing curricula
  4. Curriculum models and frameworks: An overview of curriculum theory, models and frameworks
  5. Outcomes, objectives, and learning intentions: Approaches to purposeful curriculum design
  6. School-based curriculum development: Planning and preparing a school’s curricula using original or context-specific curricula and commercial curricula
  7. Collaborative practices in curriculum development: Approaches to collaborative teamwork by teachers for curriculum development
  8. Christian teachers as curriculum developers: Summary, and significance of curriculum development to the classroom practice of Christian teachers

This course may be offered in the following formats

  • Face-to-Face
  • Distance/ Global Online
  • Intensive 


Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  • Critical Reflective Pieces (20%)
  • Curriculum Framework Analysis (35%)
  • Curriculum Design (45%)

Prescribed Text

  • Dickens, K., Hanscamp, M., Mustin, A., Parker, C., Stok, J. & White, T. (2017). Transformation by design: A curriculum development resource for Christian schools: The big picture. National Institute for Christian Education.
  • Badley, K. (2019). Curriculum planning with design language: Building elegant courses and units. Routledge.