Details for EDU434 Building Partnerships with Families and Communities

This subject provides students with an opportunity to understand the potential for children’s learning, development, and care when teachers develop partnerships with families and communities. Students will analyse theoretical perspectives of partnership, explore philosophical perspectives, and investigate how collaborative partnerships are developed. Models of partnership will be deconstructed and critically analysed to develop student’s understanding of the role of the teacher in leading collaborative relationships. They will develop their own understanding of the communication, cultural responsiveness, and leadership skills they can apply to form effective partnerships.  

Quick Stats

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: EDU434
  • Credit points: 10

Subject Coordinator



Unit Content


  1. Discuss the principles, roles and importance of partnerships in the educational context with specific reference to the Early Childhood Sector, including partnerships with parents/carers and communities. 
  2. Examine and discuss the theoretical and philosophical influences on the rationale and methods for developing effective partnerships. 
  3. Critically reflect on the educational, social, economic, and cultural impact of teachers’ engagement with families and communities. 
  4. Analyse and discuss the outcomes of partnerships on children’s learning and development in an educational context including processes for reporting to parents/carers. 
  5. Synthesise and analyse how contexts, policy and frameworks support collaborative partnerships with families  in early childhood education and apply strategies to build strong partnerships to enhance children’s learning. 
  6. Work with a professional learning community to analyse effective collaborative partnerships and apply the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics. 

Subject Content

  1. Defining Partnerships. The principles of partnerships and different types of partnerships. 
  2. The importance of partnerships in early childhood learning, development, and pedagogy  
  3. Historical, cultural, theoretical, and philosophical perspectives on partnerships
  4. The impact of positive relationships on health brain development in early childhood.
    Linking families with support and information services for mental health and wellbeing. 
  5. Knowledge of the EYLF V2.0 Practices and Principles and NESA s, Graduate Teacher Standard Descriptors (GTSD), 
  6. The Value of partnerships in children’s learning, development, and wellbeing  
  7. Families, Parenting and Family Involvement
    Communication with Families and student assessment.
    Collaborating with Families on Children’s Learning, wellbeing, and development.
  8. Benefits and Barriers in Teacher-Family Partnerships and Implications 
  9. Foundations for successful Collaborative Partnerships  
  10. Strategies for engaging Families and Communities 

This course may be offered in the following formats

  1. Face to face on site (extensive)
  2. E-learning (online/asynchronous)
  3. E-learning (online/asynchronous)

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  1. Major Essay (30%)
  2. Individual/Group Presentation (40%)   
  3. Major Project  (30%)

Prescribed Text