The Pentecostal Studies cluster is the largest research community of its kind anywhere in the world. Although Pentecostalism is one of the fastest-growing religious movements in history, it has been relatively under-researched compared to other Christian communions. At AC, faculty and HDR candidates from across several disciplines utilise a range of methodological approaches to investigate the dynamic and fast-changing landscape of Pentecostal beliefs, practices, institutions, and their socio-cultural impact. Researchers in this cluster explore the place of theological ideas and biblical texts in contemporary Pentecostalism, while also addressing contemporary social issues through a Pentecostal lens. Particular areas of research concentration include the interface between biblical studies and Pentecostal theology, and the complex dynamics of spiritual experience in Pentecostal communities today. Working from a number of disciplinary and methodological approaches, researchers in this cluster seek to understand the theological foundations and contemporary expressions of Pentecostalism in a way that fosters informed theological engagement with social and global issues.
Grey, Jacqueline N. (2025). She Dances: Miriam and Worship as Prophetic Action. Australasian Pentecostal Studies, 25(1), 34–46. | External link
Kumar, Johnny. (2025). Between Conviction and Critique: A Hermeneutical Exploration of an Australian Pentecostal Community. Australasian Pentecostal Studies, 25(1), 47–71. | External link
Grey, Jacqueline N. and Paul W. Lewis (2024). Introduction to Biblical Interpretation: Participating in God’s Story of Redemption. Baker Academic
Newton, Jon K., Houston, G. (2023). Holy Spirit Breakout: Discovering the Stories of Australian Pentecostalism. Melbourne
Newton, Jon K. (2024). Mainstream and Marginal Theologies in Australian Pentecostalism. Journal of Pentecostal Theology, 33 79-99
Rizzo, Daniela (2024). The Word Made Flesh and the Spirit’s Breath: Bridging Christology and Pneumatology in Animal Theology. Religions, 15(11):1355. External link
Rizzo, Daniela (2024). Animal Glossolalia: A Pneumatological Framework for Animal Theology. Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, 46 (1), 60-79
Toh, Leng. and Thornton, Daniel. (2024). Understanding “Love” in the English Lyrics of the Original Songs by the Multilingual New Creation Church Singapore. Religions, 15(5) 603
Grey, Jacqueline N. (2023). The Old Testament as a Source for Ethics for the Pentecostal community. In K. Archer & Z. Tackett, Festschrift in honor of Murray W. Dempster. Oxford: Regnum Books
Grey, Jacqueline N. (2023). Worship: A Pentecostal Perspective. Australasian Pentecostal Studies, 24 (1) 53–73
Austin, Emma M. (2023). Beyond the Face: A Pentecostal’s re-evaluation of Orthodox iconography In J. M. Luetz, D. A. Austin, & A. Duderija, Interfaith Engagement Beyond the Divide: Approaches, Experiences, and Practices (pp. 147–160). Springer
Griffiths, John D. (2023). Tongues as of Fire: Pentecost as a Temple Inauguration Theophany. Journal of Pentecostal Theology, 31.2. External link
Potts, Daryl. (2023). Eco-theology and Pentecostal Pastor’s Families: Could an Intentional Focus on Eco-theology Strengthen Pentecostal Pastor’s Families?. Journal of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity, 43:2
Thornton, Daniel. (2023). “This Is No Performance”: Exploring the Complicated Relationship between the Church and Contemporary Congregational Songs. Religions, 14(5) 578
Dodds, Adam. (2022). ‘Ecclesiastical Cannibalism’ and the Imperative for Unity: Critical Reflections on Newbigin’s Theology and Pentecostal Church Planting in New Zealand. Australasian Pentecostal Studies, Vol. 23 Issue 2 156-171
Coetzee, Narelle J. & Austin, Emma M. (2022). To Build or To Be: An Intertextual Exploration of Sarai’s Scheme. Australasian Pentecostal Studies, 23 (1) 59-72
Coetzee, Narelle J. (2022). Moses’ Embodied Encounter: Bare Feet Grounded in the Wilderness (Exodus 3.1-4.17). Journal of Pentecostal Theology, 31 1-15
Grey, Jacqueline N. (2022). Make Azusa Great Again. Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Vol 44, Issue 3-4 345-362
Grey, Jacqueline N. and Austin, E. (2022). The Spirit in 1-2 Chronicles, Ezra-Nehemiah, and Esther: Transforming the Spirit Traditions for New Contexts. In Craig S. Keener and L. William Oliverio Jr, The Spirit throughout the Canon: Pentecostal Pneumatology (pp. 23-27). Leiden: Brill
Grey, Jacqueline N. and O’Keefe, D. (2022). “Fear God, and Keep His Commandments”: Models for a Pentecostal Pedagogy from Exilic and Post-Exilic Texts of the Old Testament. In D. Johnson & R. Wadholm Jr, Pentecostal Education in the Majority World: A Pentecostal Perspective. Baguio: Asia Pacific Theological Seminary Press
Grey, Jacqueline N. and Helmore, Edward J. (2022). Do What is Right and Good: The Theological Foundations for the Common Good in the Old Testament Prophets. In Daniela C. Augustine & Chris E.W. Green, The Politics of the Spirit: Pentecostal Reflections on Public Responsibility and the Common Good (pp. 89-98). College Park, MY: Seymour Press
Griffiths, John D. (2022). In the Last Days: Alteration, Eschatology, and the Spirit In Peter G. Bolt, Jesus: Beginning, Middle, & End of Time? Eschatology in Gospels & Acts Research. SCD Press
Griffiths, John D. (2022). The Spirit as Gift in Acts. Leiden: Brill. External link
Chan, Kenelm Ka Lun (2022). Mediating through Translations from Hillsong Megachurch to the Hills Chinese Community. Journal of Contemporary Ministry, No. 7 (2022)
Perry, David, Fogarty, Stephen, and Austin, Denis (2022). Politics and Pentecostalism in Australia. Pneuma, 44 110-118
Newton, Jon K. (2021). A Pentecostal Commentary on Revelation. Wipf & Stock
Griffiths, John D. (2021). Spirit-Baptised Creation: Locating Pentecost in the Meta-Narrative of Creation and Its Implications for a Pentecostal Ecology. Australasian Pentecostal Studies, 22, 1 46-60. External link
Adelana, Segun. African-initiated Pentecostal Churches: Towards an African Diaspora Missiology in Australia (DMin)
Attia, Yvon. Theological beliefs and factors regarding healing among Pentecostals and Charismatics in Miami (DMin)
Billard, Jennifer. Australian Pentecostal experiences of spiritual struggles: a hybrid hermeneutical phenomenological study and spiritual theology framework (PhD)
Burns, Lee. A Pentecostal theology of koinonia (PhD)
Chester, Sandra. Catherine Booth-Clibborn’s contribution to Pentecostal history and spirituality: “She speaks with fire and brilliance” (MPhil)
Cat, Christopher. Unrealised Pentecostal Divine Healing Expectations : A Pastoral Dialogue With The Psychology Of Religion And Coping (PhD)
Furniss, Jennifer. Exploring the Effect of Speaking in Tongues on Desire, Motivation, and Emotion (DMin)
Rhodes, John. Divine healing in Australian Christian Churches: a review of contemporary ministerial practice and perspective (DMin)
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