HDR Candidate: Attia, Yvon

Title of Project Theological beliefs and factors regarding healing among Pentecostals and Charismatics in Miami
Course of Study Doctor of Ministry
Language of Instruction English

The purpose of this research is to explore the reasons for changes in perspective in relation to divine physical healing among classical Pentecostals who have been long term adherents of the Assembly of God living in USA and have testified to experiencing divine physical healing. It aims to investigate reasons for changes in their perspective on divine physical healing over time. In other words, some have changed their perspective on healing even though they have claimed to experience divine healing. Through phenomenological methodological research study such rationale for their changes in perspective shall be examined and presented. From here on any reference to "divine healing" or "healing" is to be understood as "divine physical healing." This research is in the discipline of pastoral theology, with a particular focus on pastoral care and counselling, reflecting an interdisciplinary approach. Only those who are long term adherents of the AG, have experienced divine physical healing, and changed their perspective at some or various points will be interviewed in order to provide rich and relevant data. The data will be used to identify the reasons individuals change their perspective in relation to divine physical healing.