HDR Candidate: White, Tim Joseph

Title of Project The impact a ‘Christ transformer of culture’ vision for Christian education has had on the curriculum and educational practices of Christian Education National (CEN) schools.
Course of Study Doctor of Philosophy
Language of Instruction English

The purpose of teaching and learning in Christian Education National (CEN) schools is to form students in a counter-cultural educational environment that shapes their thinking, aspirations, and lifestyle for active cultural engagement (Fennema, 2006a; Parker, 2019; Edlin, 2020). This research will investigate the relationship between this purpose and the curriculum and educational practices of CEN schools. The study will seek to identify ways transformational approaches to education have shaped the curriculum 'story,' resource development, and practices in CEN schools. It will explore how this commitment continues to impact the practice of education in CEN schools today. This research will adopt O'Sullivan's definition of transformational learning, as that which "involves experiencing a deep, structural shift in the basic premises of thought, feelings, and actions. It is a shift of consciousness that dramatically and permanently alters our way of being in the world" (O'Sullivan et al., 2002, as cited in Hoggan, 2016, p.71). Surveys, document analysis, observations and interviews with key informants will explore what has been understood by transformational learning, how it has been applied, and how dialogue about the term has shaped practice in CEN schools. Key informants will include CEN and National Institute for Christian Education (NICE) leaders, principals, teachers, and board members and will explore their experiences of a 'Christ transformer of culture' approach to curriculum and resource development, and the practice of education in CEN schools.