HDR Candidate: Moores, Robert (Rob)

Title of Project The Impact of Retirement on Pastors, their Families and the Church (working title)
Course of Study Master of Philosophy
Language of Instruction English

Since retirement thirteen years ago I have experienced enjoyment, loss, pain, and varying attitudes towards older and retired pastors. A few years ago, I thought about my gifts and abilities and a belief that the call of God on my life was as strong as ever. I narrowed down my gifts and abilities to five things I was most passionate about regarding the Kingdom of God. Today I am very involved in ministry, but only in certain areas by choice and at a slower pace. Other retired pastors have told me they want to serve but are shut out, they don’t belong, one pastor said he felt spiritually redundant. Others couldn’t wait to finish and want nothing more to do with ministry. Some retired pastors have found direction and thrive. The significance of this research is that it will uncover valuable post-retirement pathways for retired pastors who want to continue in ministry. The research could also give direction for healing for those pastors who have been badly hurt. Also, the research may give the church guidance to see retired pastors as a God given resource that has potential to enrich the church.