HDR Candidate: Crouch, Donna

Title of Project A History of Hills Christian Life Centre
Course of Study Doctor of Ministry
Language of Instruction English

Hills Christian Life Centre, established in Sydney in 1983, is a relatively new phenomenon to be researching. There is limited academic research material available and most of it is written from an outsider perspective. There is scope for new research to be done in order to understand the church's history and its social and religious context. This thesis will examine the history and development of Hills Christian Life Centre throughout its first two decades. The thesis uses three main methodological approaches. In order to provide a contextual foundation for the study, historical analysis of primary and secondary sources will be undertaken. Primary archives will be gathered from the Australasian Pentecostal Studies Centre, Hillsong Church, newspapers, and private collections. Secondary sources which examine the development of contemporary Australian Pentecostalism will also be used. I will also be conducting a number of oral interviews with early leaders of Hills Christian Life Centre. These interviews will provide information and perspective never before accessed and not readily available to outsider researchers.