Semester 1 starts Mar 3
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Domestic FAQ's

How do I choose a course that meets my needs?

Generally, we find there are students with 2 types of needs

  • Clearly defined needs and goals such as a
    “I want to become a qualified Chaplain / Counsellor / Teacher / Minister”
    “I need to improve myself in leadership and management to meet the needs of a new role”
  • A direction but less defined needs like
    “I have skills and experience in a certain area X, and want to see how I can add further student to enter a role or field helping people”

    or it could even be
  • “I have a strong sense to grow and develop in my faith and then want to see where that takes me.”

Whatever circumstance brought you to read this, we are glad you are here and want to help you. As a first step, try our course search tool to explore what courses may be suitable for you.    

If you need more advice or have specific questions, you can always contact our Future students team who would be very happy to understand where you are at and help you.   

Lastly, we run Open Days on our largest campuses or if you prefer a face-to-face visit, you could schedule a campus visit here. 


I am currently working or have other family/life commitments, can I manage study at the same time?

Students doing a higher education course (Bachelor, Master or equivalent Certificate or Diploma) can study full-time or part time with us, it’s very flexible.

Students can choose and adjust their study load each term or semester. Full time study is usually 4 subjects per semester, and anything less than that is part-time.   Some students can take 1-2 subjects per semester and still manage to work full-time while studying, so it all depends.   We typically say a subject requires a total of about 6-10 hours per week – which could be 1-2 hours in an class on campus, live online or on-demand class.  Then allow 5-8 hours of self-paced learning.

Students may also apply for a Leave of Absence or defer their studies if they need a break due to any change in their circumstances. There are requirements for courses to be completed within a time period, such as the Diploma of Ministry which is 1 year full-time and up to 4 years part-time.  Most of our Bachelor (eg the Bachelor of Theology) allow students up to 10 years part-time.

Where are your campuses? I don’t live near an Alphacrucis campus, what options are open to me?

We offer learning in 2 broad formats – In person / face-to-face and online

When you start a course at Alphacrucis, you can choose a primary mode of learning – online or on campus, or a blend of the two to fit your life and your schedule.

We find that students may start on one primary mode but end up choosing a mix of modes throughout their course. The ability to mix different modes offers you the best of both worlds – the support of face-to-face time with teaching staff and students, combined with the added flexibility of online learning anytime, anywhere.

Click here to learn more about our online learning modes and campus locations

How much are the fees and what options are available to pay?

Fees are published on each course page – select “domestic” or “international” to see the fees relevant to you. Domestic students will qualify for FEE-help and there are a select number of scholarships available for domestic school leavers studying a Bachelors full-time.

There is also a fee summary page here

Link to fees page

When can I start studies?

Alphacrucis University College has 4 main intakes per year, for both full-time and part-time higher education degree, diploma and VET students.

Semester 1 Term 1 Feb / Mar
Term 2 Apr
Semester 2 Term 3 Jul / Aug
Term 4 Oct / Nov

For exact details on term dates and academic calenders, please click here.

What are the entry requirements for courses?

Domestic Students

For those who completed High School within the last 2 years, an ATAR of 65 or higher for Bachelor degrees is required. VET and Diploma studies do not require the submission of an ATAR.  Applicants who did not complete High School or did not achieve a sufficient ATAR for their desired course but who completed a Certificate III equivalent or higher study are eligible for HE studies.

Applicants over the age of 21 can be eligible for admission on the basis of Provisional Entry and complete the Provisional Entry Qualifying Period (1 semester full-time or 4 units part-time) to become a full candidate.

Postgraduate studies require the completion of an AQF level 7 Bachelor degree or higher, each award having its own unique entry requirements, for example, applicants for the Graduate Certificate in Leadership may be considered for professional entry based on their experience.

Are there other ways to enter a course?

Yes, we offer many pathways for you to start, progress or complete your studies to get to your destination.

For example if you don’t meet the entry requirements or are not sure about committing to a 3-year Bachelor degree you can start with a 1-year Diploma, then decide after your 1st year whether to progress further.

Expand your employment options by building from a diploma to a bachelor degree or a double degree.

You can do the same with Postgraduate study — start part-time on a short course (a Graduate Certificate, or Diploma), then decide after that whether to upgrade your qualification to a full Masters of Bachelors.

Some postgraduate courses, such as the Graduate Certificate of Leadership or Graduate Certificate of Professional Supervision, allow entry based on work/professional experience, regardless of a candidate’s previous study history.

Our pathways give you flexible entry and exceptions — talk to us to find out what suits you best!

How do I start a course/apply?

If you want to study at Alphacrucis, you can apply directly on our website here.

We have answers for frequently asked questions here, or you can contact our Future Students team to get advice on courses and help with your application.


If you are studying with one of our partners, then go through the various links below

Masterclasses, Workshops & Study Tours

For people who simply want to learn and develop without requiring a qualification, we offer the option of “auditing” our classes – this means you can attend lectures without having to do other formal course work or assessments.   We also offer one-off Seminars, Workshops and Masterclasses each year on key Ministry, Theology and Counselling topics.


We also offer Old Testament and New Testament study tours to Israel, or Greece and Turkey. All AC students, alumni, staff, family, and friends are welcome to join these life-changing tours.

Credit Transfers and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Your previous study, work experience or training may count as credit towards your course. This can reduce both the length and cost of your course. If you think you might be eligible for advanced standing (credit transfer), follow the steps outlined below.

  1. A formal application must be submitted using the online Application for Credit Transfer or Recognised Prior Learning (RPL).
  2. Students should provide supporting certified documentation to demonstrate the equivalence of the subject(s)/unit(s) for which credit transfer or RPL is sought.
  3. Where studies were taken at an international institution, NOOSR checks are to be performed to correlate the award against the AQF.

AC limits the award of advanced standing/credit transfer to a two thirds maximum. That is students must complete no less than one third of a total program as University College AC-enrolled students.

Further information on advanced standing, credit transfer from prior formal academic accomplishments, and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) from informal learning are outlined in AC’s Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy.

Cross institutional students

Students enrolled in another course of study at an institution other than AC may wish to take a subject at AC for credit toward their course. These students are required to complete an Application Form for admission and will need to complete the AC Enrolment Form.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People

AC is committed to advancing study opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Applicants of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent who do not follow the regular admission pathway may be eligible for a Special Admission Pathway on the grounds of educational disadvantage. Special Admission Pathways are evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the Program Director. For HE students, the Program Director’s recommendation is then tabled for approval to the Admissions Committee.

Additional information:

Additional Information

Parental Consent Form (Applicants Under the Age of 18)

For applicants under the age of 18 Alphacrucis University College requires the consent of your parent or guardian for you to apply to the university college for any course. Please send your completed ‘Parent Consent Form’ to before applying.

Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) standards

AC’s Language, Literacy and Numeracy Policy outlines the Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) standards for Vocational Education and Training (VET) students. Minimum LLN standards are stated in the relevant course admission requirements.

Computer literacy and internet access

AC students require access to computer and internet facilities, as written assignments are submitted online in typescript with some assignments requiring database and internet research.

Student Profile

The Student Profile gives an indication of the likely peer cohort for new students at AC. The Student Profile for each course can be found in the Student Handbook for each course. It provides data on students that commenced study and passed the census date in the most relevant recent intake period for which data are available, including those admitted through all offer rounds and international students studying in Australia.

Unique Student Identifier (USI)

USI is required for students undertaking nationally recognised training (qualifications, accredited courses, skill sets and units of competency) unless exempt. This includes international students studying in Australia. If you don’t have a USI you will not receive your qualification or statement of attainment. Please refer to the links below for further information.

Admissions Transparency

The Higher Education Standards Panel (HESP) released its report Improving the Transparency of Higher Education Admissions in October 2016. A sector-led working group, the Admissions Transparency Implementation Working Group (IWG), was established in early 2017 to develop a practical response to the HESP’s recommendations, which includes changes to the way ATAR and other academic requirements are presented. The IWG has released quick reference documents for prospective higher education students regarding the changes:

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