David Parker
Lecturer in New Testament Studies
After experiencing almost every church function including Church Planting, Worship Leader and Youth Pastoring, Ruth and I attended Commonwealth Bible College (now Alphacrucis) from 1979-1981 and upon graduation served as assistants to Bryn Barrett in Toowoomba Assembly of God, Queensland. After three years as Senior Pastor of Mornington Assembly of God in Victoria, we accepted a teaching position at the College where we have been ever since. I've never lost the passion for Pastors, having been one myself, and love to itinerate and encourage, particularly the rural Pastor who doesn't often entertain visiting ministry. Of recent times I've also ministered in other countries which has helped me enormously in grappling with the cultural/transcultural nature of Scripture. Ruth and I were married in 1971, we have three married children and six grandchildren who are a joy and keep us very busy.

ThD, SCD, 2008
An Exegetical Study of the Spirit in 1 Peter

MA (Theol), ACT (Moore), 1995
The Occasion of Romans

Subjects taught by David Parker
Articles by David Parker
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