Semester 1 starts Mar 3
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David Hastie
Honorary Associate Professor

David is an Honorary Associate Professor, at Alphacrucis College. David is committed to strategically growing Australian student outcomes across multiple schools, school systems and tertiary sectors, by enhancing learning outcomes and school culture, many schools at a time. His PhD (Macquarie) examined the effects of religious schooling in Australia. He is the Executive Director of NECSTEP (National Education Cross Sector Teacher Education Pilot), has served on the NSW Council of Deans of Education, and has published widely in academic and broadsheet media, education and religious sector media, and presented extensively at education conferences. He has also written numerous policy and Parliamentary submissions, including being called as a witness to its public hearings. David has also served in a range of other teaching and education management roles in NSW rural and urban schools since 1997. David is a member of the Teaching School Hubs (NECSTEP) and Faith-Based Education research clusters.


PhD, Macquarie University, 2016
English Teaching in NSW Protestant Schools. A study of religious effect.

B.A. (Hons, 1st), University of Sydney, 1992
Radical Politics in the Late Roman Republic