Semester 1 starts Mar 3
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Daniela Rizzo
Associate Lecturer in Systematic Theology
Daniela is Associate Lecturer in Systematic Theology at AC. She is currently completing her PhD on animal theology and pneumatology, which articulates a unique intersection between Pentecostal theology and animal studies. Her research aims to explore the value of non-human creatures to God and their place within the theological landscape. Her thesis centres on developing a pneumatology of animals, structured systematically across several thematic chapters: Covenant Creation, Predation Sin, Soteriology, Glossolalia and Eschatology. Daniela is a dedicated advocate for compassionate conservation and an active member of the Australasian Animal Studies Association, the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics, the Society for Pentecostal Studies and the Warrnambool Environment and Sustainability Advisory Committee. Her efforts have focused on addressing the overdevelopment of the South-West coast of Victoria and its detrimental effects on the local koala population. Daniela has also been a vocal opponent of proposed offshore gas mining, recognising the grave threat it poses to the delicate balance of the marine environment. In addition to her environmental work, Daniela is passionate about encouraging people in local churches to value and consider non-human creatures as loved and valued by their Creator. She believes that this perspective shift can lead to transformative faith-communities that advocate for restored relationships, not only between people and God but also with our co-creatures. Daniela is a member of the Pentecostal Studies, Ecotheology and Sustainable Development and Theology and Society research clusters.

PhD- Candidate, Alphacrucis College, 2024
Theological Foundations for a Pneumatology of Animals

M.A. (Theology), Alphacrucis College, 2020
'Animal Glossolalia- Towards a Pentecostal Theology of Animals.'

B.A. (Biblical Studies), Harvest Bible College, 2006