Joshua Newington
Associate Lecturer in Ministry; Coordinator of Professional Practice
Josh is the Teaching Pastor at Cornerstone Christian Church, and has taught theology and ministry subjects at Alphacrucis since 2016. He has thought and written about the theology of food and farming. His studies have focused on church history and the philosophical foundations of theology (Regent College and the University of Divinity) and Modern literature and political theory (Griffith University). Josh is currently undertaking research into the religious dimensions of Giorgio Agamben'a philosophy.

M.A. (University of Divinity, Melbourne)
Dissertation Title Profaning the Sacrament: The Bread of Life and the Industrial Food Complex 2014

Grad. Dip. CS. (Regent College, Vancouver) 2012

Grad. Dip. Ed. (QUT, Brisbane.) 2008

B.A. (Griffith University, Brisbane.) 2007