Fleur Creed
Fleur Creed
Honorary Postdoctoral Associate

Fleur Creed’s PhD, completed in 2022, focused on the topic of Australian churches building social capital in local communities across social and cultural boundaries. Prior to that, her background was in the counselling field, where she worked with both individuals and families, helping them to resolve their issues. Through this work, and another role she held advocating for parents in the education system, she came to understand the need for wider connections of engagement and support to provide the best outcomes for both adults and young people. This led to her research into social capital, and the church’s role in providing these connections within local communities.

Fleur’s research interests include churches and social capital, churches and community engagement, history of the Christian church in Australia, and rural churches.

Fleur’s publications have contributed to the Holistic Human Health research cluster.


PhD (Alphacrucis University College) 2022

M.Couns (Christian Heritage College) 2010

Grad Dip ECAT (Melbourne Institute of Experiential and Creative Arts Therapies) 2011

BSocSc (Christian Heritage College) 2008

Comm Serv (TAFESA) 2011

Comm Dev (ICM) 2011

Subjects taught by Fleur Creed
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