David Perry
David Perry
Vice President and Provost

In his role as Vice President and Provost, David oversees and provides leadership for all the operations of AC.  He has years of experience in higher education leadership and management, and he has also been a lecturer in theology for the last 10 years.  He is an ordained Minister with Australian Christian Churches.

David holds a number of leadership roles within the broader higher education sector.  He has been a member of the Higher Education Standards Panel, an expert statutory advisory body to the Federal Minister for Education, from 2020-2023.  He is also the Chair of Independent Higher Education Australia (IHEA), Secretary of the Council of Deans of Theology, Commissioner for the APTA Theological Commission, and Board Member of Alphacrucis College New Zealand. He was a Steering Committee Member for the Higher Education Private Providers Quality Network for many years, and is immediate past President of the Association of Pentecostal and Charismatic Bible Colleges.

David completed a Bachelor of Ministry in 2001, and a Bachelor of Theology with First Class Honours in 2009.  He completed his PhD at Australian Catholic University.  The title of his PhD thesis was "Pentecostal Spirit Baptism: An Analysis of Meaning and Function", and it has been published in book form by Brill. He has also completed a Graduate Certificate in Leadership and is a Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

David is a member of the Pentecostal Studies research cluster.


PhD (Australian Catholic University)
Dissertation Title Pentecostal Spirit Baptism: An Analysis of Meaning and Function 2015

Graduate Certificate in Leadership (Deakin University) 2021

Bachelor of Theology (Hons 1) (Sydney College of Divinity) 2009

Bachelor of Ministry (Christian Heritage College) 2001

Subjects taught by David Perry
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Articles by David Perry
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