fai aghamiri
Fai Seyed Aghamiri
Honorary Postdoctoral Associate

Fai Seyed Aghamiri is an Honorary Postdoctoral Associate of AC's School of Health and Human Sciences. She practised dental surgery before moving into counselling and psychotherapy, and has more than 25 years of clinical experience in both private and public practices across Sweden, England, and Australia. She is currently director of the House of Hope counselling and psychotherapy centre in Queensland.

In 2023, Fai completed her PhD at AC on betrayal trauma among intimate partners. In addition to her research, which has been published in a number of international journals, she has also published books for wider audiences on the topics of sexual addition and betrayal trauma.

Fai is a member of the Holistic Human Health research cluster.


PhD (Alphacrucis University College)
Dissertation Title The lived experiences and wellbeing of female partners following discovery or disclosure of their male partner’s compulsive sexual behaviours : an Australian phenomenological study 2023

MCouns (Christian Heritage College) 2019

BDS (Karolinska Institutet, Sweden) 1995

Subjects taught by Fai Seyed Aghamiri
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