Semester 1 starts Mar 3
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Karenne Hills
Karenne Hills
Honorary Associate

Karenne Hills works from a private practice that combines her professional qualifications and personal interests in the areas of counselling, teaching, disability, autism and nursing. She completed her PhD titled “Spirituality in the Context of Nonverbal Autism” in 2019, and her research explores the spiritual experiences and expressions of people who experience barriers to traditional religious teaching and involvement. Karenne is Director of the National Inclusion Network for Australia (NINA), an initiative that supports people with disabilities.

Karenne is a member of the Holistic Human Health research cluster



Doctor of Philosophy (Griffith University)
Dissertation Title Spirituality in the Context of People with Non-verbal Autism 2019

Master of Counselling (Christian Heritage College) 2012

Graduate Certificate in Couple Counselling (Christian Heritage College) 2013

Bachelor of Counselling (Christian Heritage College) 2001

Bachelor of Nursing (Griffith University) 1997

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