Semester 1 starts Mar 3
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Yung Hun Choi
Associate Dean of Korean Language Programs
Yung Hun was born in South Korea (1965) and became a born-again Christian in 1988. After graduating with a BA, MDiv, and ThM courses in Korea, he migrated to Auckland, New Zealand, where he had much time to study biblical texts, particularly in terms of their literary structure and theology. In 2006, he migrated to Sydney for ministry, teaching, and studying. He gained his PhD in 2019. Part-time in Chester Hill and then full-time in Parramatta, Yung Hun has been teaching Korean students at Alphacrucis since 2008. He is a Mahlerian. Yung Hun is a member of the Biblical Studies research cluster. His publications have contributed to the Pentecostal Studies research clusters.

Cert IV Training & Assessment (TAE 40116), Inspire Education, 2019

Th.M., Asian Centre for Theological Studies and Mission, 2000
"An Interpretation of the 'Seventy Weeks' in Dan. 9:24-27"

Ph.D., Charles Sturt University, 2019
"The Movement Pattern of the Hebrew Psalter: A Holistic Thematic Approach with an Exemplar, Psalms 69-87"

M.Div., Hapdong Theological Seminary, 1996