Paul Oslington
Professor of Economics and Theology
Paul Oslington joined Alphacrucis in January 2013 and was the inaugural Dean of the Faculty of Business and PhD Program Director. Previously, he held a Chair jointly in the School of Business and School of Theology at Australian Catholic University from 2008-2013, and Associate Professor of Economics at the University of New South Wales. He held visiting positions at the University of Oxford in 1999, the University of British Columbia and Regent College Vancouver in 2003, Princeton Theological Seminary and University in 2006-2007, and the Center of Theological Inquiry Princeton in 2020. Paul is a member of the Theology and Society research cluster.

BEc, Macquarie University, 1986

MEc (Hons), University of Sydney, 1993
Causality in Economics: The Hermeneutic Contribution of Max Weber

BD, University of Divinity, 1992

DTheol, University of Divinity, 2018
Political Economy as Natural Theology

PhD, University of Sydney, 1997
Unemployment in an Open Economy.