Semester 1 starts Feb 17 and Mar 3
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Mulyadi Robin
HDR Supervisor
Mulyadi is a senior lecturer in Leadership at Alphacrucis College. He is also an Associate Professor in Business and the Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) at the Australian Institute of Business. Prior to his current appointment, he worked at the Monash Business School, lecturing in leadership and management, and was the Bachelor of Commerce Course-Coordinator for Management Studies. He also previously worked at the Centre for Workplace Leadership (The University of Melbourne). Mulyadi has won a number of awards both as a lecturer and a researcher, and his published work has appeared in outlets such as Journal of Business Ethics, Personnel Review, and The Leadership Quarterly. While Mulyadi's research predominantly focuses

Bachelor of Business (Hons), Monash University, 2009
In Search of Leadership Excellence: Content Analysis of Leadership Development Literature Over the Past 15 Years (1994-2009) Using the Servant Leadership Framework

PhD, Monash University, 2014
Leadership, Engagement, and Workplace Behaviours: The Mediating Role of Psychological Capital

Bachelor of Business, Monash University, 2008