Phoebe: An Unsung Hero

There are many people in the Bible that we overlook. The same as in our churches – where there are many unsung heroes that we can bring into the spotlight. 

I was recently preaching in a church when I mentioned Paul’s co-worker, Phoebe. A lady came to me afterwards to say that she had to check her Bible to see that Romans 16 really existed, because she had never heard of Phoebe before. 

When we think of Paul’s co-workers we tend to think of Barnabas or Timothy, but not Phoebe. She’s one of those unsung heroes in scripture. 

Phoebe tops the list of Paul’s commendations in Romans chapter 16. The way Paul describes Phoebe is a sister, a deacon, and benefactor. 

What did she do? Phoebe carried Paul’s letter – what we now know as the Letter to the Romans – to the church community in Rome. This would have taken great courage and resources. But she was more than just a postal delivery service. Phoebe functioned as Paul’s representative. As the letter-bearer, Phoebe was required to read Paul’s letter aloud to the church, answer any questions about its content and respond on behalf of Paul. Phoebe was the first interpreter of the book of Romans. 

Paul honoured Phoebe as a ‘deacon’, which means ‘servant’; a title Paul also used of himself (see 1 Cor. 3:5; 2 Cor. 6:4). To function as a benefactor (or patron) suggests that Phoebe had wealth and status in her local community. Yet, she used this wealth and status to benefit others, including Paul. 

Are there Phoebes in your church? Those who serve diligently. Those who have gifts and talents but are overlooked in your church? 

Why do we overlook some people? 

As leaders, we tend to look for people who are similar to us. Yet, quite often the giftings evidenced in one person’s life may look different to those evidenced in another person. For example, a leadership gift in a woman might look and be expressed differently to a leadership gift in a man, yet both have the same effect of influencing others. Phoebe was very different to Paul. Paul was a male Jew. Phoebe was a female Gentile. Yet, Paul could look beyond these differences to see her gifts and strength of character and promote her ministry to others. 

So, let’s look beyond the surface to see the giftings in others, and bring them into the light. 

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