Do Life better with Theology

Jemima Gleeson, Bachelor of Theology, Business Owner, Coach, Preaching Team, HopeUC

When Jemima Gleeson was 17, she encountered the love of God in a radical and life-altering way. This powerful experience ignited an unshakable call to serve God, particularly in preaching and encouraging others through His Word.  The thought of ‘Bible College’ crossed her mind, however, life had a way of postponing her theological journey. Jemima got married, started a family, and later co-founded an Australian coffee company with her husband. Despite her success as a business leader, including her role as a mentor with the NSW Police Force, she felt a persistent call to deepen her understanding of theology.

The Call to Begin

Years later, when her husband Ben was diagnosed with cancer, the pressures of life only intensified. Reflecting on that season Jemima says,  “It just seemed like there was no ‘right time’… but studying theology was a thought I revisited repeatedly”.

One day, a simple quote inspired her: “Don’t give up on something because of the time it will take to complete it… the time will pass anyway.” This simple revelation led Jemima to finally take the plunge. She enrolled in a Bachelor of Theology and started on one subject at Alphacrucis University College, marking the beginning of a journey that would profoundly shape her identity, both personally and professionally.

Wrestling with What and Why we believe:
The Heart of Theology

Why study theology? For Jemima, it helped her critical examine and wrestle with the complexities of her faith.

“Studying Theology required my engagement with ideas and opinions from reputable thinkers,” Jemima recalls. “There were things that I previously held as important to What and Why we believed, I discovered were not as central and core to the faith. This was humbling because I realised I didn’t know as much as I thought I did in the “God” space. But this humility was also liberating—it allowed me to become more steadfast in the core areas of my faith, while remaining open and curious about differing perspectives.”

Leadership Through Theology: Impacting Life, Business and Beyond

Jemima’s theological studies also had a significant impact on her professional life. As a business co-owner and a trainer with the Police Force, she found the critical thinking skills she developed in her coursework allowed her to approach her work with greater empathy and insight, helping her to better lead and coach others.

Why study theology? Because it equips you with the tools to lead with wisdom and compassion. Jemima found that her theological education provided a framework for understanding and addressing the complex human dynamics she encountered in her professional life. It also helped her navigate crisis moments, such as a failed interstate expansion of her business, with humility and resilience.

“It sounds silly, but as a student you get comfortable receiving feedback about how you have not met the brief on an assignment or essay. You have to check your pride so often- choosing to receive the feedback and keep growing in skill and knowledge. Usually, it’s the more painful marks and comments that teach you where you need to improve… I genuinely believe that learning it was OK not to know everything while I was studying hugely prepared me for navigating the challenges and setbacks in life. It was like the more I realised I had to learn in the “God” space, the more freedom I had to become a learner in other areas of life – it was humbling and super liberating at the same time.”

Jemima’s studies also influenced her work with the NSW Police Force, where she developed strategies to help emergency call operators manage the emotional toll of their high-pressure jobs. The insights she gained from her psychology and leadership subjects at Alphacrucis enabled her to create training methods that not only improved operator performance but also fostered emotional intelligence and resilience.

Becoming: The Essence of Theology

One of the most significant lessons Jemima learned through her studies was the difference between building and becoming. In both business and theology, there is often a focus on immediate results—on building something tangible and measurable. But theology taught her that true influence comes through the process of becoming—a journey that cannot be rushed or controlled.

“In work, I’ve learned to critically analyze situations without jumping to conclusions. Instead of needing to have all the right answers, I learnt to ask the right questions. I’ve also learnt to accept feedback, be more patient and accept the process of becoming, not just building. I think all those things helped me become a better leader, at work, in ministry, and in my personal life.”

Why study Theology at Alphacrucis? Because it’s more than an education—it’s a transformative experience that prepares you for a life of purpose and impact. For Jemima, the decision to study theology was one of the most important she ever made, giving her patience and endurance to navigate the highs and lows of life with grace and humility, helping to shape her into the person and leader she is today.

Expand Your Understanding of God and Scripture with Our Theology Courses

Are you passionate about exploring the depths of Christian theology? Our Theology courses offer an in-depth study of biblical doctrine, church history, and the foundations of faith. Whether you’re pursuing a deeper personal understanding or preparing for ministry, our courses are designed to equip you for a life of thoughtful reflection and informed action.

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