Disciple-Makers in the Bible

To be a disciple is to be a follower of Jesus. We are all apprentices in the family business. Each learning the trade of being like the Master, Jesus. Being tradies and tradie-ladies is a life-long vocation. So is disciple-making.

There are numerous examples of disciple-makers in the Bible. They remind us that discipling others isn’t a formula. Discipling can be done in many varied ways. Yet, each model has the same goal of influencing others to pursue God deeply. Let’s look at some examples from the Old and New Testaments of different approaches to see what we can learn from them. 


If ever there was a reluctant disciple-maker, it was Elijah. He called Elisha to the ministry then almost rejected his presence (1 Kings 19:19-21). But Elisha pursued the ministry call and eagerly gave up his old life to follow Elijah as an apprentice prophet. They walked together and ministered together, with Elisha learning from his mentor (1 Kings 19-2 Kings 2). They became like family. In fact, at their final parting, Elisha calls Elijah ‘my father’ (2 Kings 2:12). Elijah passes on to him an anointing of ‘double portion’; the inheritance normally received by an elder son (2 Kings 2:9). As Elijah’s successor, Elisha goes on to have an even greater ministry than his mentor. 

What do we learn from Elijah for today? Discipling is walking with others in life and ministry.


Jesus modeled for us the perfect life. He lived and walked, full of the Holy Spirit. Jesus was tempted like us and came through it victorious. By becoming like us, He made it possible for us to become like Him. Just before His ascension, Jesus gave two key instructions to the disciples. First, they were to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). Teaching others to obey all Jesus had told them. Its crucial that we instruct new disciples in the way of Jesus. Second, they were to wait to receive the Holy Spirit. We need the Spirit of Jesus to help us follow Him. The Spirit was given at Pentecost to empower us to be witnesses and preach boldly the gospel. 

What do we learn from Jesus for today? Discipling is teaching others to follow Jesus in the power of the Spirit.


Paul said to the believers in Corinth: “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ” (1 Cor 11:1-2). It’s the responsibility of every mature believer to model the Christian life. While modern apprenticeships often focus on learning what to do, our family business is about learning to be. To be like Jesus. The great news is that the Holy Spirit works in us to do this task of transformation (2 Cor 3:18). 

Paul provides another model of discipleship when he says ‘follow my example’ (1 Corinthians 11:1-2). Following Jesus can be difficult. Or is that just me? Taking up our cross can be heavy. We have to love others even if we don’t like them. We’ve all been tempted to do the wrong thing. Sometimes we give in to that temptation. Sometimes we fail to meet the standard of loving others like Jesus. Sometimes we mess it up. Badly. But when we’re knocked down, we get up again. We repent. We repair. Paul learnt to do that. You’ve learnt to do that. 

In 1 Corinthians 10, Paul instructed them in how to endure temptations. He also taught them how to live in freedom by seeking the good of others. Paul modelled it for them. Whether we are eating or drinking – whatever we are doing – we do for the glory of God. This includes not behaving in a way that could cause a new disciple to stumble in their faith. These are the little sufferings for Christ we model. 

What do we learn from Paul for today? Discipling is modelling living in freedom, even in the mess.


The final example to note is Eunice. Eunice taught her son Timothy the way of Christ from a young age, even though her husband was an unbeliever. Paul honoured Eunice and her mother Lois in 2 Timothy 1:5 for their discipleship of Timothy. Paul encouraged Timothy to continue in his knowledge of the Scriptures taught him from infancy (2 Tim 3:14-15). Timothy became a key leader in the early church and co-worker of Paul (1 Cor 4:17, 1 Tim 1:2). 

What do we learn from Eunice for today? Discipling is instilling a love for and confidence in God’s Word.

These various models show that discipleship everywhere in the Bible. These examples encourage us to disciple younger believers by sharing our ordinary, everyday life. Being authentic. Yet also being deliberate to instill in them a love for God’s Word and reliance on the Holy Spirit. 

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