This subject is delivered for City Harvest Church students.
Preach by bridging the gap between ancient texts and exploring effective ways to communicate biblically sound truths to a modern world. If you want to learn how to develop life-changing preaching, and bring revelation to postmodern people that struggle with the Christian story, then look no further.
The books of Proverbs and Psalms are two of the most well-known and loved texts within the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible. In addition to Proverbs, the books of Job and Ecclesiastes comprise what is known as Wisdom Literature, a genre of writings from the ancient Near East comprised of sayings and teachings by sages and the wise about the breadth of the human experience. Psalms is an anthology of Hebrew hymns to be used either in collective liturgical settings or for personal expression. Throughout this course, we will engage with tools of exegesis to reflect on how to read the Wisdom and Psalms text, as well as the Song of Songs, which is neither part of Psalms or Wisdom Literature, yet is Hebrew poetry and considers wisdom in relationships.
Discover the history, culture, theology, philosophy, and politics that shape the religion of Islam. Gain essential insights into Christian-Muslim relations, unraveling the intricate web of contemporary society's cross currents.