
Master of Teaching (Secondary)

CRICOS: 089242B

Do you have a passion for specialist areas of learning and want to inspire young people? The Master of Teaching (Secondary) is more than just a qualification; it’s your first step on a journey to inspire, engage, and elevate the next generation. This program merges faith and practical training in a nationally recognised teacher accreditation course that prepares you to teach in secondary schools across Australia and beyond.

Course Duration
2 years full time, up to 10 years part time
Study Modes
Online Recorded, Online Live, Placements
Study Locations
Online, Sydney*, Teaching School Hubs
* Some subjects are available on campus, see the timetable to confirm location and mode.
Start Dates
Feb (S1), July (S2)
$2,550 per subject

What is the Master of Teaching (Secondary)?

The Master of Teaching (Secondary) is designed for aspiring teachers and career changers who already hold a Bachelor degree. This program prepares you to teach in public, independent, and Catholic secondary schools throughout Australia. This nationally recognised course includes 60 days of practical school experience to enhance your teaching skills and experience. In addition to developing critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, and communication skills, you will gain advanced evidence-based educational theory and specialised curriculum knowledge for classroom teaching. This course is available online and on our Sydney campus, providing flexibility to study from anywhere in Australia. Opportunities to gain part-time employment in schools prior to graduation are common due to our strong reputation and networks with schools.

You can also apply to study in one of our Teaching Model Hub partner schools. This complements our regular practical placements, which you can complete in a range of local or international schools. The hub model is an apprenticeship style of "on the job" learning where a student becomes part of a local school and has a mentor teacher. This is a global first initiative which flips the conventional educational structures and trains students onsite in partner schools.


Who is this for?

•Graduates with a Bachelor degree seeking to become secondary school teachers
•Professionals transitioning to a teaching role in secondary schools
•Educators wanting to specialise in secondary education


Graduates of the Master of Teaching (Secondary) will be qualified to teach in public, independent, and Catholic secondary schools throughout Australia, with recognition internationally. You will master teaching secondary level subjects, including English, Math, Science, IT, Commerce, History, Geography, Creative Arts, and PDHPE. You will develop advanced classroom management techniques and the capacity to design and implement secondary education curricula. Career progression opportunities include roles such as lead teacher, faculty or year group coordinator, head of school, principal, and assistant principal.

Alphacrucis didn’t just help me learn the practicalities of teaching, they fostered in me a heart to really care for and nurture my students.

Carolin Smolek


AC’s education awards are accredited by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA), learn more here. In addition, they are designed to meet the Australian Professional Standards for Graduate Teachers and recognised by AITSL (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership). This allows for our graduates to apply to register as teachers across all school sectors in Australia. AC also has partnerships with over 100 Independent schools to train our students, including an embedded teaching model where students learn whilst being placed in a school community with teaching schools.* These partnerships greatly enhance practical learning experiences and career opportunities for our students and graduates. AC offers postgraduate courses for teachers and school leaders in partnership with the National Institute for Christian Education (NICE).

Course Structure

Subjects & Units

9 Subjects
90 Credit Points
70 cp from Education
Foundations in Christian Learning and Teaching EDU401
Learning and Teaching, Theory and Practice EDU540
Develop your own approach to teaching, informed by personal beliefs and values and the theoretical perspectives of learning and teaching theory and practice, informed by evidence based research, applicable across a range of settings.
Australian Indigenous Education EDU425
This unit explores the objectives and pathways towards closing the gap in Australian Indigenous education. Students will explore the needs within a range of classroom settings, and examine the effectiveness of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander inclusive policies and procedures whilst applying principles and theories of literacy and numeracy education to first and second language learning contexts.
Inclusive Education EDU523

This subject critically analyses inclusive philosophy while exploring the specific learning needs for students ‘at risk’ of exclusion. This includes an understanding of the challenges faced by students experiencing marginalisation due to disability, ethnicity, religion, gender or other forms of diversityDifferentiation strategies, behaviour support models and technologies, assessment and evaluation strategies are examined in the context of learning and teaching strategies for individuals with disabilities. Legislative requirements, for people with disabilities and gifted and talented opportunities, are reviewed and the Teacher Education Students (TES) are given the opportunity to review their own attitudes to diversity and disability in the light of their own faith and professional responsibilities. 

Differentiated Curriculum and Learning Management EDU541
Students become career ready as this subject explore some iimplications within the current cirriculum, which does not always serve students diverse learning needs in the classroom. It revisits learning theorists, critiques educational approaches, and examines legislative and policy impacts on learning management programs. Additionally, it explores various models of communication, assessment, and reporting.
Learning and Teaching through ICT EDU542
Explore the ways ICT skills can be embedded across the curriculum to support quality learning and teaching based on relevant pedagogical approaches for Years 7-12/Stages 4-6. Pre-service teachers will gain experience in using technology as a productivity tool and in the design and evaluation of learning resources.
Educational Policy Development EDU545
Analyse the growth and development of policies impacting education and schooling in Australia since the post war era. This is effective for future employment, as students learn to critically examine policy and develop their own policy to address a perceived need which will support a childs learning experience.
10 cp from Christian Studies
Faith and Purpose (previously THE101 Christian Worldview) ACA401
Discover the foundations of faith and how it relates to one's worldview and purpose. Students will explore the Christian story from Scripture and express ideas of their own faith, examine how faith shapes views on the meaning and purpose of life, the value of humanity and ideas of human flourishing. Expand your perspective in this core subject and understand the significance of faith in all areas of life.
10 cp from Research
Action Research RES502
Participants in this subject are expected to study independently under supervision, developing an action research proposal to investigate a contemporary phenomenon within their own classroom or educational setting. The students will then implement appropriate research methods, analyse the findings, reflect upon the findings in relation to their own role, and write the study up as a dissertation that concludes with practical recommendations for improved Christian pedagogy.
Curriculum Studies
4 Subjects
40 Credit Points
Curriculum Studies – English: Part A CRS403
This unit outlines the Australian Curriculum and NESA Syllabus content for this area of study.  Students will engage with the latest research in the area and have an opportunity to develop their own teaching plans and programmes. The unit content includes specific teaching pedagogical practices as well as curriculum specialisation
Curriculum Studies – English: Part B CRS503
This unit outlines the Australian Curriculum and NESA Syllabus content for this area of study.  Students will engage with the latest research in the area and have an opportunity to develop their own teaching plans and programmes. The unit content includes specific teaching pedagogical practices as well as curriculum specialisation
Creative Arts
Curriculum Studies – Drama: Part A CRS431
This unit outlines the Australian Curriculum and NESA Syllabus content for this area of study.  Students will engage with the latest research in the area and have an opportunity to develop their own teaching plans and programmes. The unit content includes specific teaching pedagogical practices as well as curriculum specialisation
Curriculum Studies – Drama: Part B CRS531
This unit outlines the Australian Curriculum and NESA Syllabus content for this area of study.  Students will engage with the latest research in the area and have an opportunity to develop their own teaching plans and programmes. The unit content includes specific teaching pedagogical practices as well as curriculum specialisation
Curriculum Studies – Music: Part A CRS433
This unit outlines the Australian Curriculum and NESA Syllabus content for this area of study.  Students will engage with the latest research in the area and have an opportunity to develop their own teaching plans and programmes. The unit content includes specific teaching pedagogical practices as well as curriculum specialisation
Curriculum Studies – Music: Part B CRS533
This unit outlines the Australian Curriculum and NESA Syllabus content for this area of study.  Students will engage with the latest research in the area and have an opportunity to develop their own teaching plans and programmes. The unit content includes specific teaching pedagogical practices as well as curriculum specialisation
Curriculum Studies – Visual Arts: Part A CRS435
This unit outlines the Australian Curriculum and NESA Syllabus content for this area of study.  Students will engage with the latest research in the area and have an opportunity to develop their own teaching plans and programmes. The unit content includes specific teaching pedagogical practices as well as curriculum specialisation
Curriculum Studies – Visual Arts: Part B CRS535
This unit outlines the Australian Curriculum and NESA Syllabus content for this area of study.  Students will engage with the latest research in the area and have an opportunity to develop their own teaching plans and programmes. The unit content includes specific teaching pedagogical practices as well as curriculum specialisation
HSIE ( Human Society and Its Environment)
Curriculum Studies – Commerce CRS450
This unit outlines the Australian Curriculum and NESA Syllabus content for this area of study.  Students will engage with the latest research in the area and have an opportunity to develop their own teaching plans and programmes. The unit content includes specific teaching pedagogical practices as well as curriculum specialisation
Curriculum Studies – Business Studies CRS550
This unit outlines the Australian Curriculum and NESA Syllabus content for this area of study.  Students will engage with the latest research in the area and have an opportunity to develop their own teaching plans and programmes. The unit content includes specific teaching pedagogical practices as well as curriculum specialisation
Curriculum Studies – Economics CRS502
This unit outlines the Australian Curriculum and NESA Syllabus content for this area of study.  Students will engage with the latest research in the area and have an opportunity to develop their own teaching plans and programmes. The unit content includes specific teaching pedagogical practices as well as curriculum specialisation
Curriculum Studies – Geography: Part A CRS412
This unit outlines the Australian Curriculum and NESA Syllabus content for this area of study.  Students will engage with the latest research in the area and have an opportunity to develop their own teaching plans and programmes. The unit content includes specific teaching pedagogical practices as well as curriculum specialisation
Curriculum Studies – Geography: Part B CRS512
This unit outlines the Australian Curriculum and NESA Syllabus content for this area of study.  Students will engage with the latest research in the area and have an opportunity to develop their own teaching plans and programmes. The unit content includes specific teaching pedagogical practices as well as curriculum specialisation
Curriculum Studies – History: Part A CRS413
This unit outlines the Australian Curriculum and NESA Syllabus content for this area of study.  Students will engage with the latest research in the area and have an opportunity to develop their own teaching plans and programmes. The unit content includes specific teaching pedagogical practices as well as curriculum specialisation
Curriculum Studies – Ancient History CRS513
This unit outlines the Australian Curriculum and NESA Syllabus content for this area of study.  Students will engage with the latest research in the area and have an opportunity to develop their own teaching plans and programmes. The unit content includes specific teaching pedagogical practices as well as curriculum specialisation
Curriculum Studies – Modern History CRS515
This unit outlines the Australian Curriculum and NESA Syllabus content for this area of study.  Students will engage with the latest research in the area and have an opportunity to develop their own teaching plans and programmes. The unit content includes specific teaching pedagogical practices as well as curriculum specialisation
Curriculum Studies – Studies of Religion CRS532

This subject prepares pre-service teachers to teach a comparative religions course such as the New South Wales Studies of Religion syllabus for Years 11-12 developed by NESA. It is designed to advance knowledge and understanding of key theoretical and pedagogical perspectives and issues in the teaching of Studies of Religion. It examines current developments in the theory and practice of Studies of Religion education. Students will work independently, collaboratively and interdependently to develop their capabilities in planning and implementing appropriate curriculum and pedagogy in light of Christian and alternate worldviews. The subject aims to develop students’ knowledge of theoretical and practical aspects; engage with a range of pedagogical approaches and provides opportunities for the pre-service teachers to design learning and teaching sequences and assessment tools informed by research.  

Curriculum Studies – Mathematics: Part A CRS414
This unit outlines the Australian Curriculum and NESA Syllabus content for this area of study.  Students will engage with the latest research in the area and have an opportunity to develop their own teaching plans and programmes. The unit content includes specific teaching pedagogical practices as well as curriculum specialisation
Curriculum Studies – Mathematics: Part B CRS514
This unit outlines the Australian Curriculum and NESA Syllabus content for this area of study.  Students will engage with the latest research in the area and have an opportunity to develop their own teaching plans and programmes. The unit content includes specific teaching pedagogical practices as well as curriculum specialisation
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
Curriculum Studies – PDHPE: Part A CRS411
This unit outlines the Australian Curriculum and NESA Syllabus content for this area of study.  Students will engage with the latest research in the area and have an opportunity to develop their own teaching plans and programmes. The unit content includes specific teaching pedagogical practices as well as curriculum specialisation
Curriculum Studies – Personal Development, Health and Physical Education: Part A CRS411
Students will discover ways to examine and critique content, principles, practices and approaches associated with teaching physical activity and movement education. The diverse social factors which impact upon the learning and teaching of PDHPE for supporting the development of health, well-being and a positive sense of self and others, including within Christian and alternate school contexts will also be explored. Students will be introduced to curriculum and assessment in line the NESA Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) Years 7-10 Syllabus.
Curriculum Studies – PDHPE: Part B CRS511
This unit outlines the Australian Curriculum and NESA Syllabus content for this area of study.  Students will engage with the latest research in the area and have an opportunity to develop their own teaching plans and programmes. The unit content includes specific teaching pedagogical practices as well as curriculum specialisation
Curriculum Studies – Personal Development, Health and Physical Education: Part B CRS511
Building on CRS411 Curriculum Studies – Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE): Part A, this subject provides an in-depth examination of the NESA PDHPE Stage 6 syllabus for Years 11-12, focusing on the meaning of PDHPE beyond the school curriculum by identifying implementation issues and encouraging students to value health and well-being as a lifelong learning experience.
Curriculum Studies – Information and Software Technology CRS418
In this course, students delve into the utilisation of ICT to address contemporary challenges in a rapidly evolving society. Emphasising responsible and ethical use, it introduces curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment principles for teaching NESA's Design and Technologies, Technology (Mandatory), and Information and Software Technology Years 7-10 Syllabuses. Students engage with diverse teaching discourses and explore methods to integrate ICT skills across the curriculum to meet specific Year 7-10 requirements.
Curriculum Studies – Information Processes and Technology CRS518
This unit outlines the Australian Curriculum and NESA Syllabus content for this area of study.  Students will engage with the latest research in the area and have an opportunity to develop their own teaching plans and programmes. The unit content includes specific teaching pedagogical practices as well as curriculum specialisation
Curriculum Studies – Integrated Sciences CRS441

CRS441 Curriculum Studies - Integrated Sciences deals with science as it characterises primary and secondary school curricula. Science can be an uncomfortable topic in many Christian schools, sometimes being seen as the basis for a secular worldview that the school explicitly exists to challenge. The way that some people use science in irritating and distressing attacks on faith makes such suspicion understandable. However, many of these disputes rest on naïve and simplistic accounts of both science and faith. Science is an important part of contemporary life and a compulsory part of schooling, so those responsible for teaching it require a deeper understanding of such issues than may be the case for others, within the contexts of teaching and learning that they share with their fellow teachers. CRS441 integrates concern for such issues with teaching practice in contemporary Christian schools.

Curriculum Studies – Physics CRS541

CRS441 Integrated Science dealt with science courses that characterise almost all learner experience of secondary school curricula. CRS541 Physics and CRS542 Chemistry deal with discipline-based courses that are more characteristic of the senior secondary years and are attempted by fewer learners. Physics can seem more comfortable for many Christian schools, although CRS441 indicated that such has not always been the case.  

CRS541 builds on the broader issues you encountered in the earlier course, with a focus on strategies that rest on teacher planning and presentation and on the evaluation issues that arise as curriculum policy moves Physics beyond applied mathematics. 

Curriculum Studies – Chemistry CRS542

CRS441 Integrated Science dealt with science courses that characterise almost all learner experience of secondary school curricula. CRS541 Physics and CRS542 Chemistry deal with discipline-based courses that are more characteristic of the senior secondary years and are attempted by fewer learners. Chemistry can seem more comfortable for many Christian schools, so CRS542 builds on the broader issues you encountered in the earlier course, with a focus on strategies that depend on learner activity and on the reporting issues that arise from learning that involves the development of specific skills, as well as particular knowledge. 

1 Subject
10 Credit Points
Recommended Electives (choose 1 of the following subjects)
The Self-Reflective Educator EDU522
This subject builds on the foundations of relevant classroom practice as students dive deeper into exploring their own classroom leadership skills. Students will evaluate their own personality in relation to teaching in order to support their personal career direction and goals.
Psychology of Emotion and Wellbeing SSC410

Understanding the psychology of emotion and wellbeing is crucial for enhancing personal and professional relationships. This core unit introduces the concepts of emotional development and the social and cultural factors that influence emotions. Students will learn to apply theoretical approaches to understand emotions and interact empathetically with clients. By developing these skills, students are better prepared to support emotional wellbeing in various contexts.

OR 1 subject taken from AQF level 8 or above (choose 1 of the following subjects)
Mathematics and Numeracy (Years 3-6) EDU519

The foundation for development of strong mathematical knowledge and core skills in mathematics is laid down in primary education. Current Australian education strategies focus on quality teaching, informed by the best available evidence, to help students develop their number sense from the early years of schooling. 

This unit equips students with essential content knowledge and skills across the curriculum including an overview of the syllabus structure for Stages 2 and 3 in Mathematics across the 3 areas of number and algebra, measurement and space, and statistics and probability. This unit prepares students for primary mathematics teaching, allowing them to demonstrate their understanding of the critical importance of numeracy to learning including working mathematically. Students will also learn and refine teaching strategies to create developmental learning sequences relevant to the curriculum strands. Throughout the course, students will engage in practical workshops, collaborative group activities, and reflective exercises to reinforce their learning and apply theoretical concepts to real-world teaching scenarios. 

Learning and Teaching English in the Primary Years EDU518

This unit explores the demands of writing and creating with reference to the Australian Curriculum: English, and the NSW English K–10 Syllabus and related documents. The unit extends students’ knowledge of different types of texts and the grammatical and visual features typically found in a range of text types. Students design a sequence of lessons using a text-based cycle of teaching and learning as the foundation for a principled and explicit approach to writing pedagogy, making use of a range of teaching strategies to support the learning of students from diverse backgrounds. Students will also explore the conventions of the English language such as spelling; grammar and word usage; punctuation and handwriting including paragraph, sentence, and word levels. 

Educational Research and Evidence in Practice EDU508

This subject introduces students to educational research and evidence-based practice. It focuses on engaging with knowledge and developing skills to critically assess educational research studies, understand their methodologies and results, and appreciate the implications of these findings for practical application. Through this subject, students will learn to interpret and utilise existing research and will also be empowered to contribute to the field by designing their own research projects aimed at advancing knowledge and improving practices in their specialist areas.

History and Geography EDU502

This subject provides an in-depth exploration of the HSIE Key Learning Areas of History and Geography and opens prospects for integration with other Learning Areas. The study of History and Geography assists in the development of a deeper understanding of the Teacher Education Student’s Christian or alternate worldview. Australia’s multicultural society is celebrated as the Teacher Education Student seeks to inspire the young to care for their country and their world for future generations.  

Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care SSC534
Through this subject, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the role and impact of chaplains and pastoral carers in various settings. They will develop essential skills in interpersonal communication and the provision of care across diverse sociocultural and spiritual contexts. The unit emphasises professional, spiritual, and ethical practice, ensuring students are well-prepared to offer support and guidance in both everyday and crisis situations.
Culturally and Socially Diverse Practice SSC535
This subject equips students to navigate and address the complexities of social anc cultural diversity in professional settings. It aims to deepen their understanding of the impact of diversity on people and practice and prepares students to effectively assess and intervene across diverse contexts. By fostering advanced self-awareness and reflective practices, students will be better positioned to practice ethically and competently in a culturally and socially diverse contexts.
Cognitive Behavioural Theories and Therapies SSC536
Gaining proficiency in cognitive behavioural theories and therapies through this subject equips you to address mental health challenges effectively. It focuses on developing a deep understanding of CBT principles and their practical application across various issues, ensuring a thorough grasp of therapeutic techniques. This unit emphasises building strong client-therapist relationships and refining your ability to assess and conceptualise treatment plans.
Working with Addictions SSC537
Gaining insight into addictions in this subject is key for professionals seeking to understand and address various types of addictive behaviours effectively. You will examine theories of addiction and their impacts on individuals, families, and communities. The unit also covers a comprehensive range of intervention strategies and emphasises the importance of ongoing professional development and self-care, equipping you to provide informed and effective support.
Working with Relationships SSC538
Enhancing your ability to navigate relationship dynamics is important for students aiming to specialise in relationship counselling. In this subject, you will delve into the theories underpinning relationship challenges and systems, developing skills in assessment, treatment planning, and interventions. The unit includes practical role-plays to hone your counselling techniques and also focuses on creating resources to support clients effectively.
Working with Children and Young People SSC539
The knowlegde and expertise gained in this subject is invaluable for those seeking to specialise in working with children and young people. It will equip students with a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical approaches and practical skills necessary for effective evidence based responses to issue unique to children and adolescents. Students will explore social, cultural, familial, and ethical factors crucial to understanding the needs of children and adolescents, and will be euipped to address those specific challenges with an holistic approach.
Engaging Families SSC540
This subject offers a deep dive into family dynamics, blending various theories and perspectives to understand the impact on individuals. It addresses counselling from both systemic and individualistic viewpoints, employing role plays as a key method to highlight challenges and effective interventions. Additionally, it encourages students to reflect on their own family experiences and how they may influence their professional practice.
Trauma Informed Practice II SSC548
Building on Trauma Informed Practice I, this subject is important for professionals aiming to provide effective support to trauma survivors. This unit focuses on assessing and supporting individuals, families, and communities, using trauma-informed principles to guide interventions. You will also explore community resources, develop strategies for client-centred care, and learn to manage professional wellbeing.
Trauma Informed Counselling I SSC550
This unit prepares you to address trauma with an understanding of the multifaceted nature of trauma on the individual and community. Students will explore trauma symptoms, treatment and recovery; including insights from neuroscience and post-traumatic growth literature. You will think carefully through assessment of physiological, social and psychological impacts of trauma to inform treatment plans ensuring best practice.
Trauma Informed Counselling II SSC551
Building on Trauma Informed Counselling I, this subject deepens your understanding of trauma-informed therapies, focusing on both theoretical and practical applications. It encourages ongoing professional development and equips you to design effective, evidence-based treatment plans. Students will gain proficiency in assessment and working with evidenced based trauma modalities such as Trauma-Informed Acceptance and Committment Therapy.
Supervision of People Helpers SSC560
Gaining practical experience in a professional setting is essential for bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application. This unit consists of a 40-hour professional supervision placement that provides opportunity to develop the practitioner to work within the learned supervisory models. This subject provides an opportunity to enhance practice skills and examine professional and ethical issues under the guidance of a professional supervisor.
Professional Accountability for Supervisors SSC561
Maintaining professional accountability is essential for professional supervisors within professional supervision. This subject is a co-requisite subject with the professional supervision placement unit (SSC560), offering fortnightly group supervision classes to support your placement. This unit develops integration of theoretical learning with real-life practice experiences. It oversees the alignment of practice with industry practice standards through reflexive practice development and ethical considerations.
Professional Supervision in Practice SSC562
This subject focuses on the development of skills and practice for the provision of professional supervision. You will learn to apply your developing knowledge of theories and Professional Supervision for both individual and group supervision relevant to a range of contexts including clinical and pastoral settings. Additionally, this subject fosters a commitment to ongoing professional development and self-care, essential for maintaining high standards in supervisory roles.
Professional Supervision SSC563
Through this subject, students will engage in practical, experiential learning with up to 40 hours of supervision sessions, alongside dedicated 'supervision on supervision' reviews to refine your practice. This unit also emphasises professional and ethical considerations, helping you to manage both individual and group supervision contexts with confidence.
Special Elective – Integrating Faith and Work BUS587
Aligning professional practice with personal faith is essential for a meaningful career. This advanced independent research unit delves into the theology of work, empowering students with the skills to meld their faith with their vocational pursuits across diverse workplace environments. By examining historical and biblical perspectives on vocation, participants develop a nuanced understanding and practical skills for integrating faith in professional settings.
Professional Practice – Counselling SSC500
Gaining practical experience in a professional setting is essential for bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application. This unit consists of a 100-hour placement in a relevant organisation, allowing students to apply and refine key competencies in counselling, chaplaincy, or another people-helping organisation. Through professional supervision and self-reflective practice, students enhance their understanding of professional responsibilities and ethical practices, fostering professional growth.
Human Lifespan Development SSC510

Understanding human development throughout the lifespan is important for providing targeted support and interventions. This subject offers a comprehensive examination of the developmental stages from conception to death, integrating multicultural and critical perspectives. Students will explore major developmental milestones, reflect on personal growth, and develop strategies to assist others in navigating developmental life transitions.

Principles of Psychology SSC511
Understanding the foundational principles of psychology is beneficial for comprehending human behaviour and mental processes. This subject offers a thorough introduction to the diverse models and theories of modern psychology, encouraging you to consider their impact on your personal worldview. You will develop advanced critical thinking skills, compare various psychological theories, and critically integrate these concepts into your understanding of human nature.
Grief and Loss SSC512
Supporting those experiencing grief and loss is crucial for effective counselling. This unit equips students with specialised skills to support individuals navigating these challenging experiences. Students will learn to distinguish between different types of grief and develop tailored intervention strategies, enhancing their ability to empathise and provide essential support within a self-care framework.
Social Identity in Australia SSC513
Understanding Australian society through the lens of sociology equips students with valuable insights into how social and cultural factors shape identity. This subject teaches how to critically analyse these dynamics and their implications, both locally and globally. By studying various social issues and interventions, students develop skills to engage effectively in public and policy domains, enhancing their understanding of societal structures and cultural influences.
Group and Community Work SSC515
Exploring group and community dynamics in this unit offers valuable insights into influencing change and fostering individual growth within a community context. You will engage with principles of community leadership and group processes, applying them practically in class-based settings. This subject provides a robust framework for ethical and professional practice in community work, enhancing your ability to critically reflect on and improve your methods.
Mental Health SSC516
Gaining insight into mental health conditions is pivotal for providing effective support and intervention. Students in this subject will learn to recognise symptoms, deliver appropriate assistance, and understand the role of the community in supporting mental wellbeing. They will develop skills in treating individuals with empathy, respect, and compassion, while fostering a hopeful and supportive environment.
Applied Counselling Theories SSC517
Gaining a deep understanding of various counselling theories is essential for effective therapeutic practice. This subject provides a comprehensive overview of historical and modern counselling methodologies, from Freudian psychoanalysis to contemporary approaches such as Solution Focused Therapy and Positive Psychology. Students will learn how to critically evaluate different models, reflect on their personal and professional implications, and apply them across diverse therapeutic contexts.
Working with Trauma SSC518
Having a basic understanding of trauma and its effects is essential for any professional working within the community. This unit gives an introduction to understanding what constitutes trauma, along a continuum from acute to chronic presentations. Additionally, you will learn about self-care to manage the effects of trauma on the people helper, aiding in longevity and efficacy in this challenging field.
Professional Accountability SSC519
Professional accountability is crucial in developing ethical and effective practice as a counsellor or people helper. This unit is delivered in the same semester as students undertake their supervised field placements and offers weekly group supervision. Students will receive weekly support to help build their assessment and intervention skills, whilst working with actual client’s. The subject meets PACFA's experiential training requirements, focusing on real-world application through case conferences and peer review whilst preparing you to handle professional challenges ethically and effectively, integrating critical reflection and a Christian worldview.
Foundations of Professional Practice SSC521
This subject helps to prepare you to work effectively with clients by learning advanced counselling micro-skills and techniques in. With an emphasis on applying micro-skills and evidence-based methods in counselling contexts, you'll learn how to respond to complex needs such as anxiety and stress. This unit aligns with professional practice standards, offering practical, experiential training, that includes role-plays, to continue the development of your interpersonal communication skills.
Ethical and Professional Issues SSC522
Understanding ethical and legal frameworks is vital for anyone entering the people helping profession. This subject helps students to understand the ethical principles and legal requirements within their field, in order to confidently manage complex ethical dilemmas. You will learn to apply ethical decision-making models, prioritise self-care, and appreciate the importance of ongoing professional development.
Solution Focused Therapy and Positive Psychology SSC531
Gaining proficiency in evidenced supported strengths based modalities is important in modern psychological practice. This unit introduces Solution Focused Therapy (SFT) and Positive Psychology, focusing on the methodology of these strengths based approaches and developing skills to implement these across various settings from individual to organisational applications. Students will have the opportunity to develop many specific skills in addition to increasing their ability to integrate techniques from aligned modalities to enhance client engagement and outcomes.
Governance, Law and Ethics LEA550
In offering a comprehensive view of governance across various sectors, including corporations, not-for-profit organisations, schools, and churches, this subject will equip you with the skills to evaluate governance structures, understand the roles and development of boards, and engage effectively in policy debates. It is ideal for anyone aspiring to enhance their governance acumen and contribute to organisational integrity and effectiveness.
Theory and Practice in Leadership LEA601
Through this unit, an in-depth exploration into contemporary organisational leadership, focusing on advanced research techniques, complex behaviours, and ethical frameworks will be considered. This subject equips students with expert analytical skills to critically assess and enhance leadership practices within a Christian context. You will develop a thorough understanding of systems theory, organisational culture, and change processes.
Pastoral Administration and Management MIN501
This unit equips you with valuable skills for effectively managing various aspects of church life and community engagement. Students will delve into evaluating ministry needs, comparing church management models, and addressing compliance issues. You will learn how pastoral skills can enhance community relations and support church growth, preparing you to develop strategies tailored to your specific context.
Pentecostal Ministry Foundations MIN503
This unit explores the foundations of the Pentecostal movement and provides an overview of Pentecostal history and the biblical foundations of Pentecostalism. The theological distinctives within Pentecostal movements, Pentecostal praxis, Pentecostal leadership, evangelism, church growth and community engagement from a Pentecostal perspective will also be examined. Students will also be given ample opportunity to engage creatively with these topics to make connections with their own contexts.
Preaching and Public Communication MIN504
Preach by bridging the gap between ancient texts and exploring effective ways to communicate biblically sound truths to a modern world. Dive deeper into how to faithfully interpret the Bible and apply Biblical wisdom into life-changing preaching.
Relationships MIN505
How do I develop strong relationships, whether friendships, marriage or family? How do I deal with the changing dynamics of relationships through the life stages? If ever a unit was needed to clarify the topics found within the ‘relationships’ section of the local Christian bookstore, this is it. This unit aims to develop skills to strengthen your relationships and to assist those you minister to in everyday life.
Healing Ministry MIN506
Why don’t people always get healed when we pray for them? What is our responsibility in partnering with God for healing? Students undertaking this unit will have the opportunity to investigate the various perspectives on healing throughout the life of the church. Some of the big questions surrounding the ‘why’ of sickness, suffering, and death will also be addressed along with practical skills applicable in caring for others.
Church and Society MIN507
Why do we act the way we act? Have you ever wondered how our faith connects with society? Sociologists are those who study human social behaviour and propose these questions. Students undertaking this unit will be introduced to the field of sociology with the aim to explore the trends and megatrends that have formed the Christian community and its practice.
Church Planting MIN508
If you had the opportunity to plant a brand-new church, what would it look like? What are the personnel and resources required? How does a new church meet the needs of its community? This subject will assist students to develop a church-planting toolkit by learning from key church planting practitioners, academic literature on entrepreneurship as well as wider historical-biblical-theological foundations.
Discipleship MIN509
This subject explores the biblical, historical, and theological foundations of discipleship, assessing contemporary methods and strategies within various cultural and congregational contexts. You will critically analyse how different phases of life and spiritual disciplines influence discipleship, preparing you to effectively mentor and guide others in their faith journey.
Communicating the Christian Faith MIN510
In this unit, students will find themselves engaging with the historical, biblical and theological roots for communicating the gospel. In doing so, students will explore ways to engage with a world where the acceptance of the Christian story is counter-cultural, as well as ways to connect the good news of the kingdom to contemporary social concerns.
Youth Ministry MIN520
This unit explores ministry to youth and young people. Ground in love and empathy, we delve into understanding young people's concerns, needs, and pressures. Empower yourself to minister effectively to the next generation and beyond.
Children’s Ministry MIN521
Gaining skills in children's ministry allows you to create engaging and safe environments for young people. This subject provides a comprehensive overview of the biblical, historical, and theological foundations of children's ministry. Students will critically assess various ministry strategies and learn to design and administer child-safe events. This unit also covers legal and ethical considerations, ensuring well-rounded preparation.
Women and Men in Christian Ministry MIN531
This subject delves into the sociological and religious factors that have shaped gender roles throughout church history and assesses their impact on contemporary ministries. Students will critically examine biblical and theological foundations, exploring how they inform the debate over women and men in leadership, particularly in Pentecostal contexts. This unit also encourages the formulation of a personal philosophy of egalitarian ministry, equipping students to lead with inclusivity.
Theory and Practice in Ministry MIN601
This subject explores effective pastoral theology and ministry models. Students will gain a systemic and critical understanding of complex and advanced ministry issues and will apply advanced research skills to a topic of research on a contemporary ministry issue.
Seminar Presentation of Ministry Research MIN602
This subject provides students with the opportunity to propose and delve into a research topic, developing advanced research capabilities. It focuses on constructing solid arguments, critically engaging with diverse perspectives, and effectively communicating findings. Students will also learn to respond thoughtfully to the research of their peers, preparing them for informed leadership in their ministries.
Equity and Inclusion: Educating Students with Disability EDU546
Students assess the impact of legislation, policies, literature, and trends on inclusive education. They review relevant educational practices, interventions, frameworks and design whole-school adjustments and classroom strategies to support the access, participation, and achievement of students with disabilities alongside their peers.
Perspectives on Teaching Mathematics EDU551
Dive into new concepts by developing a biblical approach to mathematics education. Students will explore diverse views of knowledge and their impact on mathematics education. Through literature review, students will gain insights into educational practices and scholarly perspectives.
Digital Technology and Education EDU555
Students asses the effectiveness of technology in the classroom, and the impact it will have within classroom dynamics. By exploring strategic policies for Christian schools, fostering discernment in technological engagement and within Christian ethics.
Leading Quality Teaching and Learning EDU561
Evaluate quality teaching practices through a christian worldview. By understanding the scope of strategies underpinning policies and the role that profressional learning communities play in society. This is imperative to forming a wholistic perspective in Christian education and speaking into furture education policies.
Mentoring, coaching, and supervising in Christian education EDU565
Design and justify effective strategies for mentoring, coaching, and supervision in educational contexts. Know how to foster wholistic growth in Christian education through biblical perspectives.
Adults and Professional Learning EDU567
This course empowers educators to engage in meaningful, transformative adult learning experiences informed by biblical principles. Students will evaluate underlying worldview assumptions by discovering biblical perspectives which enrich educational practices.
Planting New Schools EDU570
Delve into contemporary leadership theory and research in the expansion of Christian education. Students will explore strategic management within Christian schools and assess the role and impact of policies on school growth.
Community Partnerships in Education EDU572
Uncover the impact of biblical worldview on education. Students will discover potential partners for collaboration, as they examine different approaches to building collaborative relationships. Additionally, they evaluate the struggles and strengths of operating from faith-based schools in secular contexts.
The Social and Historical Context of Christian Schooling EDU574
This subject delves into the historical, educational, and social influences shaping Christian schooling in Australia. Students will explore various models of Christian schooling and by uncovering the challenges of maintaining foundational christian values in evolving educational and social landscapes. Additionally, students will uncover how to uphold their vision and practices in congruence with their purpose.
Reforming Leadership: Overseeing Change and Continuity EDU576
This subject explores change management of effective Christian educational leadership. Students assess school culture's impact on vision maintenance and change and identifying key influencers. Students will develop proposals and know key structure to implement plans for significant organisational change, by ensuring there is an alignment with the school's vision.
Critical Evaluation of Professional Learning EDU579
Understand your professional learning journey by building upon scholarly reflection. Students will asses thier and educational standards through diverse sources and conceptualise this through a Biblical worldview.
Critical Analysis of Leadership Development EDU580
This course delves into educational leadership insights across diverse sources, filtered through a Biblical worldview. Students will study leadership development processes in postgraduate study or approved programs. They understand how to critique to a higher standard, integrating current research, literature, and biblical perspectives to propose improvements.
Capstone Review EDU590
This subject has been replaced by EDU596 from Semester 1 2024 onwards.
Professional Experience (Part A & Part B) EDU591

This subject affords the Teacher Education Student a wide range of opportunities to practice their developing skills and techniques in controlled real-life settings under the support of full-time school mentors. The students develop their planning, relational and evaluation skills within the setting of professional teams of communities of practice. Above all, they learn effective behaviour management techniques while observing the performance of professional teachers in their own contexts and they experience how their personal worldview impacts every aspect of their life and work in education. 

Alphacrucis University requires all initial Teacher Education Students to attempt the National Literacy and Numeracy Test LANTITE in their first semester of study and pass LANTITE before their final placement. It is a national requirement that students cannot graduate from an ITE program if they have not passed LANTITE. 

Special Project in Education EDU592
Students will explore and critically analyse an educational issue within context. Students will use their chosen case and research using an appropriate research methodology or communication with colleagues to clarify the situation or issue if necessary.
Education Research Project EDU593
This subject has been replaced by EDU598 from Semester 1 2024 onwards.
Reflexive Teaching through Action Research EDU594
This subject empowers educators to address specific educational challenges through action research. Students will assess issues using a biblical framework, critically evaluate relevant literature, and devise interventions.
Research Methods in Education EDU595
Discover the biblical purposes and principles of research in Christian education. Students critically evaluate philosophical paradigms in research methodologies through a biblical lens. They appraise methodological consistency, design ethical research, and develop proposals addressing educational challenges. Through clear and coherent communication, students engage in structured planning and report writing following APA guidelines.
Reflexive Leading Through Action Research EDU597
This subject empowers educational leaders to identify and address specific leadership challenges collaboratively. Students assess issues using a biblical framework, by critically evaluating relevant literature, and devising interventions through action research cycles.
Professional Experience EDU599

This subject affords the Teacher Education Student a wide range of opportunities to practice their developing skills and techniques in controlled real-life settings under the support of full-time school mentors. The students develop their planning, relational and evaluation skills within the setting of professional teams of communities of practice. Above all, they learn effective behaviour management techniques while observing the performance of professional teachers in their own contexts and they experience how their personal worldview impacts every aspect of their life and work in education. 

Alphacrucis University requires all initial Teacher Education Students to attempt the National Literacy and Numeracy Test LANTITE in their first semester of study and pass LANTITE  before their final placement. It is a national requirement that students cannot graduate from an ITE program if they have not passed LANTITE. 

Human Resources Management LEA501
Effective Human Resources Management (HRM) is pivotal to any organisation's success, particularly in how it manages its most vital asset—its people. This subject introduces students to Strategic Human Resource Management, covering crucial areas such as recruitment, performance management, and employee retention, equipping students with the skills to enhance workplace efficiency and prepare for advanced HRM studies.
Spirit-led Leadership LEA503
Understanding spirit-led leadership can lead to profound insights for shaping effective ministries. This subject provides strategies for developing spiritual maturity and leadership skills. You'll critically examine how Pentecostal leadership can integrate broader community perspectives, enhancing both personal faith and organisational influence. Perfect for those aspiring to lead with spiritual depth and cultural sensitivity.
Creativity and Entrepreneurship LEA511
Harnessing creativity in entrepreneurship can transform challenges into opportunities. This subject critically examines how creativity acts as a catalyst for competitive advantage and systemic change. You will learn to foster creative thinking within organisations, navigate the dynamics of organisational culture, and lead innovative ventures. Ideal for those looking to lead and innovate in both new and established settings.
Building Teams LEA520
Building teams effectively is crucial across all sectors, including business and ministry. This subject enhances your understanding of teamwork through a blend of Christian and secular models, backed by biblical principles. You will learn to assess team effectiveness, develop team cultures within Christian organisations, and tackle common performance barriers.
Strategic Thinking LEA530
Strategic Thinking sharpens your ability to define and refine vision and purpose. This subject unpacks key strategic questions, drawing on insights from the Bible and contemporary management theories. You will learn to conduct situational analyses, manage organisational change, and integrate various thinking approaches to meet strategic challenges—ideal for those looking to turn vision into reality and drive meaningful change.
Organisational Leadership LEA535
In today's rapidly evolving landscape, leaders need tools to rethink and redefine how they achieve goals and inspire teams. This unit focuses on analysing and enhancing organisational structures to lead change effectively. You will delve into systems thinking, develop high-performance work systems, and navigate the complexities of organisational culture.
Organisational Leadership (Arrow) LEA536
Worldviews and Educational Practice EDU501
This subject offers advanced insights into worldview assumptions and their impact on life and education. Students learn to assess the alignment and tensions between biblically informed worldviews and contemporary cultural narratives. This unit will explore ways to articulate how a biblically informed perspective influences educational theory and practice, applying worldview analysis to evaluate policies and practices, which is relevant to education.
Curriculum Development in Christian Schools EDU503
Explore curriculum as a human construct that shapes the teaching and learning of created realities. Students will learn to apply knowledge of various curriculum approaches, students will select criteria for biblically faithful curriculum development and use these in the critical evaluation of curriculum documents.
A Biblical Vision for Christian School Leadership EDU505
Explore leadership through a biblical lens, sudents will evaluate the impact of current gloabl issues within educational leadership and engage with scholarly literature on leadership theory. Students will uncover leadership approaches aligning with a biblical vision and address the complexities and challenges facing Christian school leadership today.
Biblical Principles of School Management EDU506
Dive into leadership and management theories, this subject delves into the demands and challenges of school management through a biblical lens. Students will asses roles considered to be consistent with biblically-directed leadership as well as asses legistlative requirements of cotemporary ethical standards to stay relevant and up to date with industry standard practice.
Reflective Pedagogy EDU507
This subject delves into the evolution of pedagogical practices in Christian schooling, examining their philosophical and theoretical underpinnings. Students will assess the significance of teaching and learning contexts and critically evaluate their own teaching methods and student learning processes. Students will design a professional development portfolio, integrating reflective teaching practices and create optimal teaching and learning environments to enhance learning outcomes.
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education EDU511

This subject provides a comprehensive overview of key researchers in the field of child and adolescent development providing models of instruction and resources in the health and physical education arena. It specifically focuses on physical, cognitive, social and emotional, moral development and the application to health and physical education incorporating a Christian world view enabling each student to flourish. 

Science and Technology EDU512

This subject focuses on the Key Learning Area of Science and Technology. Pre-service Teachers will explore relevant science and technology content and strategies to develop in primary students: science and technology knowledge, understandings, skills, attitudes and values. Christian worldview and ethical issues discussed in EDU407 Foundations in Christian Education will be drawn upon when critiquing syllabus content, methodology and teaching resources. 

Learning and Teaching English EDU513
Develop skills for teaching language, literature and literacy.This subject introduces pre-service teachers to the social construction view of language and how this can be integrated with a biblical worldview.
Learning and Teaching Mathematics: Part A EDU514
In this unit, students asses the growth and development of mathematical constructs in children through Primary school: Mathematics K-10 syllabus. Discover the socio-cultural and multicultural contexts of mathematics and critique a range of teaching methods and approaches, with a view to developing your own philosophy and teaching method.
Learning and Teaching Mathematics: Part B EDU515
This subject builds on EDU514 Learning and Teaching Mathematics: Part A, with a focus on the classroom and how learners construct Mathematical concepts. It will investigate ways in which programs can be developed to integrate numeracy across the curriculum.
Formative Classroom Assessment EDU516
This subject has been replaced by EDU517 from Semester 1 2024 onwards.
Educational Leadership EDU520
In this unit students will critically analyse various leadership modes, across different Christian philosophies within Christian Education. By expanding on current frameworks, students will develop their own conceptual and philosohpical views on Christain leadership in educational sectors.
Creative Arts EDU521

This subject equips students with pedagogical approaches, teaching methodologies, and practical strategies to effectively teach Creative Arts (Drama, Dance, Media Arts, Music and Visual Arts) in the Primary classroomStudents will develop their own God given creative capacities, and draw on prior learning to explore the specific role of integration, student engagement, and assessment when applied to Creative Arts teaching and learning. 

The Self-Reflective Educator EDU522
This subject builds on the foundations of relevant classroom practice as students dive deeper into exploring their own classroom leadership skills. Students will evaluate their own personality in relation to teaching in order to support their personal career direction and goals.
Inclusive Education EDU523

This subject critically analyses inclusive philosophy while exploring the specific learning needs for students ‘at risk’ of exclusion. This includes an understanding of the challenges faced by students experiencing marginalisation due to disability, ethnicity, religion, gender or other forms of diversityDifferentiation strategies, behaviour support models and technologies, assessment and evaluation strategies are examined in the context of learning and teaching strategies for individuals with disabilities. Legislative requirements, for people with disabilities and gifted and talented opportunities, are reviewed and the Teacher Education Students (TES) are given the opportunity to review their own attitudes to diversity and disability in the light of their own faith and professional responsibilities. 

Learning Theories in Practice EDU524
This subject uncovers various learning theories that support learner diversity. Students will analyse and integrate insights from multiple contemporary theories. By doing so, students will learn to critique worldview assumptions of common theories and apply theoretical insights through classroom-based action research and develop practical teaching strategies for enhanced learning outcomes.
Comparative and International Education EDU526
Examine the purpose of education in diverse societies and comparative educational leadership worldwide. Students will also explore hidden cultural aspects of leadership and the impact of diverse worldviews on education. Learn to effectively compare a range of educational systems across cultures and apply reflective analysis to transform leadership practices.
Directed Reading in Educational Leadership EDU531
In this unit, students will be encouarged to develop their literacy skills by evaluating academic literature related to epistemologicl and philosophical foundations.This ecourages research around education and wider reading, which is imperative to cotemporary education.
Learning and Teaching, Theory and Practice EDU540
Develop your own approach to teaching, informed by personal beliefs and values and the theoretical perspectives of learning and teaching theory and practice, informed by evidence based research, applicable across a range of settings.
Differentiated Curriculum and Learning Management EDU541
Students become career ready as this subject explore some iimplications within the current cirriculum, which does not always serve students diverse learning needs in the classroom. It revisits learning theorists, critiques educational approaches, and examines legislative and policy impacts on learning management programs. Additionally, it explores various models of communication, assessment, and reporting.
Learning and Teaching through ICT EDU542
Explore the ways ICT skills can be embedded across the curriculum to support quality learning and teaching based on relevant pedagogical approaches for Years 7-12/Stages 4-6. Pre-service teachers will gain experience in using technology as a productivity tool and in the design and evaluation of learning resources.
Educational Policy Development EDU545
Analyse the growth and development of policies impacting education and schooling in Australia since the post war era. This is effective for future employment, as students learn to critically examine policy and develop their own policy to address a perceived need which will support a childs learning experience.
Biblical Interpretation BIB504
This unit equips students with the tools to understand the principles, purposes, and historical development of biblical interpretation. By critically assessing contexts and the reader’s role, students apply these insights to contemporary issues, enhancing their analytical skills and understanding of biblical texts. This unit prepares students for thoughtful discourse and application of biblical principles in modern settings.
The Spirit in the Old Testament BIB515
This subject explores various perspectives on the Spirit of God in the Old Testament. Primary biblical materials and secondary literature from a range of perspectives will be analysed. Students will also examine the socio-historical background relevant to the functions of the Spirit in the Old Testament and will apply passages on the Spirit to modern Pentecostalism.
John’s Gospel and Revelation BIB516
This unit offers a detailed analysis of the socio-historical backgrounds and diverse perspectives within John’s Gospel and Revelation. Students will engage critically with primary and secondary sources, interpreting passages with particular attention to eschatology and applying insights to modern contexts. The unit is designed to develop and equip you with critical thinking and analytical skills in theological studies.
The Pentateuch BIB520
At the beginning of the Bible, we find the Pentateuch. From Genesis to Deuteronomy, these books are essential for understanding our faith today. In this unit, we will explore the foundational themes of creation, faith, salvation, covenant, worship, land and journeying present in the Pentateuch. We will also survey how the Pentateuch sets the stage for what follows in the rest of the biblical canon.
Historical Books of the Old Testament BIB523
Many of the Old Testament books are dedicated to the history of Israel from the time of conquest through to exile. This subject will examine the books of Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, Ezra and Nehemiah—a vast array of books and times! It will also specifically investigate the major events and people in Old Testament history.
Isaiah BIB532
Isaiah was a prophet consumed with the vision of God as the sovereign Lord over the nations. The Book of Isaiah speaks to a crucial time in the history of ancient Israel both prior to the exile as well as re-building after the devastation. It about how to live faithfully as the people of God in a hostile environment and presents a vision of a holy people.
World of the Old Testament BIB534
Understanding the world of the Old Testament equips students with the ability to evaluate its historical, geographical, and social contexts critically. In this unit, students will analyse Old Testament passages and themes with precision, linking ancient practices and perspectives to contemporary applications. These skills are essential for anyone seeking to gain a thorough understanding of how these ancient texts continue to influence modern society and thought.
Wisdom and Worship BIB535
The books of Proverbs and Psalms are two of the most well-known and loved texts within the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible. In addition to Proverbs, the books of Job and Ecclesiastes comprise what is known as Wisdom Literature, a genre of writings from the ancient Near East comprised of sayings and teachings by sages and the wise about the breadth of the human experience. Psalms is an anthology of Hebrew hymns to be used either in collective liturgical settings or for personal expression. Throughout this course, we will engage with tools of exegesis to reflect on how to read the Wisdom and Psalms text, as well as the Song of Songs, which is neither part of Psalms or Wisdom Literature, yet is Hebrew poetry and considers wisdom in relationships.
The Community in Exile BIB536
Jesus and the Gospels BIB540
This unit equips students to assess and analyse the diverse perspectives on Jesus' identity and mission, grounded in a solid socio-historical understanding. Students will also learn to apply their insights to modern contexts, particularly within Pentecostalism, fostering a richer comprehension and ability to communicate the significance of these ancient narratives in a compelling way.
Acts of the Apostles BIB541
This unit delves into the socio-historical setting of Acts and encourages students to engage critically with its key themes. By interpreting the role of the Spirit and applying biblical passages to modern Pentecostal contexts, students enhance their analytical abilities and understanding of how early Christian practices and beliefs evolved and continue to influence contemporary life.
The Prison Epistles BIB552
The letters of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon were written from prison and yet deal with some of the most liberating concepts imaginable. Time spent with these letters will be richly rewarded and equip us for life in multiple dimensions; spiritual, relational, personal and corporate. We will examine how these four letters from captivity have the power to free readers from unconscious imprisoning ideas.
The World of the New Testament BIB554
Why would Paul, a Hebrew speaking Jew, writing to Latin speaking Romans, use Greek? Why was the liberating message of the crucified messiah considered "foolish?" This unit examines the culture, customs, and values of the first century. It shows how radical the Christian minority group was in the face of the Roman Empire and invites you to assess your own convictions and values as a 21st century Christian.
Building Pauline Churches—The Pastoral Epistles and Thessalonians BIB558
The Pastoral Epistles show us that intrigue and controversy are not new to the church. The letters of 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus and are located towards the end of Paul’s life and ministry career. These letters give insight into the need for stabilisation and structure within the emerging Christian communities in Ephesus and Crete.
Romans and Galatians BIB562
Have you ever wondered why Christians don’t follow the full Mosaic law? Have you ever asked what sets Christianity apart from Judaism? Paul’s letters to the Romans and Galatians answer these questions and more, and in many ways these letters reveal the heart of his theology. This unit will also synthesise Paul’s thoughts into a storyline of history that informs his pastoral and theological reflections.
I & II Corinthians BIB563
The Corinthian Correspondence is a fascinating exchange between the Apostle Paul and the troubled church in Corinth and is a worthwhile study for those who are interested in Paul’s role as pastor and apostle. This unit addresses a variety of ethical and theological issues, such as sexual sin, drunkenness, Christians taking each other to court, dissatisfaction with style of leadership and much more.
New Testament Field Study BIB590
This subject provides students with a first-hand introduction to the relevant cultural, geographical, historical, and archaeological issues for the New Testament. Students will engage with this historical context during an on-site field study program in the location of modern-day Turkey and Greece, formative for study of the biblical text.
Old Testament Field Study BIB592
Do you want the places of the Bible to come alive? Then join us for this Field Study Trip subject to Israel and its surrounding lands. We will walk through biblically significant places and link the geography of the land to the message of biblical stories. Your reading of the Bible will never be the same again!
Methods in Biblical Studies BIB601
Mastering biblical study methods is crucial for anyone looking to deeply understand and interpret biblical texts. This unit presents an extensive overview of historical-critical methods, literary approaches, and ideological criticisms, equipping students with the skills to apply these techniques effectively. Students will critically evaluate different methodologies and demonstrate advanced proficiency in biblical exegesis, preparing them to tackle complex interpretive challenges within both ancient texts and contemporary settings.
Seminar Presentation of Research in Biblical Studies BIB602
Enhancing your ability to conduct and present research is essential in any academic or professional setting. This unit focuses on developing advanced research skills within biblical studies. Students will select a topic, propose research, and present their findings to peers, fostering an environment of critical engagement and constructive feedback—enhancing both communication and analytical skills.
Entrepreneurship, Business and Mission BUS547
Understanding the dynamic interplay between entrepreneurship, business, and mission can transform how one engages in the marketplace. This subject prepares students to integrate entrepreneurial pursuits with a mission-focused approach. Students will delve into the history and contemporary role of entrepreneurs, analyse business as mission in theological contexts, and develop actionable plans for mission-driven business ventures.
Financial Stewardship BUS561
Effective financial stewardship not only enhances an organisation's sustainability but also its capacity to make strategic decisions. This unit sharpens your financial acumen, focusing on investment analysis and the critical concept of the time value of money. Gain proficiency in reading and interpreting financial statements, double-entry bookkeeping, and budget construction and analysis.
Church and Not-for-Profit Law BUS585
For churches and not-for-profit organisations, navigating the legal landscape effectively is vital. This subject provides deep insights into the governance and regulation specific to these entities within the Australian context. Students will examine the historical interplay between churches, NFPs, and society, and delve into the ethical and theological aspects of their regulation.
Information Systems Management BUS590
Understanding the critical role of information systems in today's organisations is fundamental for any business professional. This course provides a thorough grounding in information systems management, highlighting both foundational and strategic roles within corporate environments. Students will develop advanced research skills and learn to apply information system concepts to real-world cases, enhancing their ability to solve problems and identify new opportunities.
Professional Experience
2 Subjects
20 Credit Points
Professional Experience (Part A & Part B) EDU591

This subject affords the Teacher Education Student a wide range of opportunities to practice their developing skills and techniques in controlled real-life settings under the support of full-time school mentors. The students develop their planning, relational and evaluation skills within the setting of professional teams of communities of practice. Above all, they learn effective behaviour management techniques while observing the performance of professional teachers in their own contexts and they experience how their personal worldview impacts every aspect of their life and work in education. 

Alphacrucis University requires all initial Teacher Education Students to attempt the National Literacy and Numeracy Test LANTITE in their first semester of study and pass LANTITE before their final placement. It is a national requirement that students cannot graduate from an ITE program if they have not passed LANTITE. 

Professional Experience EDU599

This subject affords the Teacher Education Student a wide range of opportunities to practice their developing skills and techniques in controlled real-life settings under the support of full-time school mentors. The students develop their planning, relational and evaluation skills within the setting of professional teams of communities of practice. Above all, they learn effective behaviour management techniques while observing the performance of professional teachers in their own contexts and they experience how their personal worldview impacts every aspect of their life and work in education. 

Alphacrucis University requires all initial Teacher Education Students to attempt the National Literacy and Numeracy Test LANTITE in their first semester of study and pass LANTITE  before their final placement. It is a national requirement that students cannot graduate from an ITE program if they have not passed LANTITE. 

More Information

For more information and details of previous course structures see Student Handbook.

*You can also use the Subject & Unit Search to explore the subjects (including electives) available to enrol in for this course and can filter by subject area and level.
For a full list of course dates for new and continuing students, please see our Timetables.

What people say

  • Learning Outcomes


    • Advanced and integrated understanding of key issues, practices and recent developments in secondary teaching within the chosen Key Learning Areas (KLAs): Creative Arts; English; Human Society and Its Environment; Languages; Mathematics; Personal Development, Health and Physical Education; Science; Technology.
    • In-depth understanding of general research principles and methods, and advanced knowledge of specific research approaches used in secondary teaching within the chosen discipline areas.
    • Advanced and integrated understanding regarding the planning, implementation, assessment and reporting of pedagogically sound learning activities consistent with a Christian worldview and appropriate to the demands of the teaching context.


    • Evaluate, synthesise and critically engage the theoretical knowledge regarding the stages of development in physical, cognitive, social/emotional and spiritual growth in adolescents and apply it to diagnosis and teaching strategies for progression of students.
    • Critically analyse and synthesise various pedagogical approaches with differing ideologies and develop skills and strategies (including technologies) to enhance the quality of learning for all students, including those from marginalised communities.
    • Design and implement an action research project which examines a complex problem or issue using appropriate methodologies and theories from the discipline area.
    • Communicate effectively complex ideas and proposed solutions to peers and general audiences in diverse contexts.
    • Identify and critically evaluate new developments of research and scholarship in secondary teaching within the chosen discipline areas.


    • Articulate new questions or issues and apply the knowledge and skills developed in secondary teaching, within the chosen discipline areas, to develop appropriate solutions.
    • Comply with professional codes of ethics and regulations which impact on the ability to work with children and keep abreast of changes in the legislation and practice applicable to the specific teaching context.
    • Work independently, responsibly and with the level of professionalism expected of an expert in secondary teaching.
    • Develop and design a wide range of units of work within their chosen specialisation at Stage 4 (Y7/8); Stage 5 (Y9/10) and Stage 6 (Y11/12).
    • Design and implement a major action research project in the discipline area of secondary teaching to advance personal and professional development, in order to thrive in educational contexts.

    Admission Criteria

    Entry Requirements

    International Students – Language Requirements

    IELTS (or equivalent) Score of 7.5 (with no score below 7.0 in any of the four skills areas).

    First Aid Training

    All students completing EDU511/CRS311 Personal Development, Physical & Health Education are required to complete a recognised First Aid Course. This course deals with the cause and prevention of accidents, the acquisition of sufficient knowledge to determine the nature and extent of injury, and sufficient skill to administer proper first aid.

    NSW Department of Education Child Protection Awareness Training

    All students are required to complete the NSW Department of Education Child Protection Awareness Training before enrolling into a work integrated learning subject and undertaking Professional Experience. Students who have met the academic and essential entry requirements can progress into the course prior to completing this training.

    Anaphylaxis e-Training

    Training is provided free online by the Australian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA). On completion of the online module participants receive a certificate of completion which must be included with your application. The training is required to be successfully undertaken every two years. This is the only training for anaphylaxis management in schools that New South Wales Education Standards Authority (NESA) will accept.

    Literacy and Numeracy Test

    AC students are required to sit for and pass the Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education Students (LANTITE) prior to enrolling in their final Professional Experience Placement.

    Working With Children Check (WWCC)

    All students are required to complete the new Working with Children Check (or state equivalent) online before they will be allowed to participate in professional practice subjects.

    Students will be classified as a ‘volunteer’ in Education.

    Higher Education Study

    Completion of an AQF Level 7 Bachelor degree (or higher) in any discipline by an authorised institution.

    Applicants’ previous undergraduate or postgraduate studies must meet the required prerequisites for their intended curriculum specialisations.


    How to Apply

    • Get Started

      Read through the admissions criteria and ensure you meet the entry requirements.

    • Apply

      It’s easy! Apply online below or contact us and we can help on 1300 228 355.

    • Offer

      We’ll contact you shortly after to confirm your details and help you through the rest of the process.

    Key Dates
    Semester 1
    Term 1
    February / March
    Term 2
    Semester 2
    Term 3
    July / August
    Term 4