
Master of Teaching (Primary)

Imagine witnessing the moment a child understands a concept for the first time. Feel the satisfaction of seeing a student develop their abilities over the course of a year. These are the unique experiences provided by a career in Primary School Teaching. The Master of Teaching (Primary) is more than just a qualification; it’s your calling to inspire, engage, and elevate young minds from Prep to Year 6. This course equips you with a fully accredited professional teaching qualification, readying you for a rewarding career in primary education.

Course Duration
2 years full time, up to 10 years part time
Study Modes
Online Recorded, Online Live, Placements
Study Locations
Online, Teaching School Hubs
Start Dates
Feb (S1), July (S2)
$2,550 per subject

What is the Master of Teaching (Primary)?

The Master of Teaching (Primary) is designed for aspiring teachers and career changers who already hold a degree. Accredited by TEQSA and NESA, this program prepares you for provisional registration as a generalist teacher for Prep to Year 6. The course covers core pedagogy in each of the Key Learning Areas (KLAs) and includes extensive professional experience. Through independent action research, you will enhance your teaching skills and contribute to the field of education. You will also develop critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, and communication skills, along with advanced knowledge in the full range of the primary curriculum.

You can also apply to study in one of our Teaching Model Hub partner schools. This complements our regular practical placements, which you can complete in a range of local or international schools. The hub model is an apprenticeship style of "on the job" learning where a student becomes part of a local school and has a mentor teacher. This is a global first initiative which flips the conventional educational structures and trains students onsite in partner schools.

Who is this for?

Graduates with a Bachelor degree seeking to become primary school teachers.

Professionals transitioning to a teaching role in primary schools.

Educators wanting to specialise in primary education.


Graduates of the Master of Teaching (Primary) will be equipped to teach in a variety of educational settings, including faith-based, government, and non-government schools. You will develop expertise in teaching young children, mastering subjects across the primary curriculum. Career progression opportunities include roles such as lead teacher, year coordinator, head of curriculum, and principal. Additionally, graduates may pursue further postgraduate studies, contributing to educational research and leadership.

The Alphacrucis University College Masters of Teaching provides students with specialisation in the teaching of English. 

To me, being a Christian teacher means being able to speak hope and life to the kids in school.

Shaniah Miller


AC’s education awards are accredited by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA), learn more here. In addition, they are designed to meet the Australian Professional Standards for Graduate Teachers and recognised by AITSL (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership). This allows for our graduates to apply to register as teachers across all school sectors in Australia. AC also has partnerships with over 100 Independent schools to train our students, including an embedded teaching model where students learn whilst being placed in a school community with teaching schools.* These partnerships greatly enhance practical learning experiences and career opportunities for our students and graduates. AC offers postgraduate courses for teachers and school leaders in partnership with the National Institute for Christian Education (NICE).

Course Structure

Subjects & Units

14 Subjects
140 Credit Points
Teaching and Learning Evidence and Practice EDU408

This unit provides an introduction to the core components of quality teaching and learning. These include theories of teaching and learning, classroom management and differentiated learning It explores how evidence-based practice informs instructional design, assessment, and teaching in relation to the classroom and the broader school contextStudents will examine classical and contemporary learning theories through a Christian worldview lens and consider the effectiveness of these and how they can be applied in various learning contexts with different groups of learners. This unit positions students to be able to apply theory and evidence to design, and to teach and manage engaging learning experiences for a broad range of students. 

Foundations of Christian Education EDU407

This unit is the foundational subject for the program. It introduces the philosophical and theoretical framework for the Master of Teaching Program. The historical development of schooling and education internationally and nationally will be explored as well as the impact of Australian government policies and funding. This subject introduces key educational philosophers and their influence on education with a particular focus on Christian education. Students begin to develop their own personal, dynamic philosophy of teaching. 

Language and Literacy EDU415

This unit explores how the English language is used in personal, community, academic and professional contexts while providing insight into language use in a multicultural and plurilingual society. Students will develop an understanding of the principles and theories of language and literacy development., a social view of language and varieties of spoken and written English. They will also examine how spoken and written language combine with other ways to make meaning through multimodal texts. Students will apply their understanding of informal, formal, diagnostic, formative and summative assessment strategies to their own language and literacy skills and needs. They will also apply this social view of language when working with a range of texts.  

Mathematics and Numeracy (Years K-2) EDU419

The foundations for strong mathematical knowledge are laid down in primary education. This unit and its related content are organised in number and algebra, measurement and space, and statistics and probability. The important role of working mathematically plays across all areas of mathematics and reflects the strengthened connections between the concepts. Students examine developmental teaching theories and the psychology of learning mathematics, and how to use these to foster flexible, critical and creative thinking. They will also explore learning sequence design and lesson planning that promotes student-centred teaching and learning, examine investigative activities and tools to promote problem-solving and mathematics communication, apply strategies for assessment task development and learn to effectively integrate contemporary ICT tools and strategies into their teaching. 

Science and Technology EDU512

This subject focuses on the Key Learning Area of Science and Technology. Pre-service Teachers will explore relevant science and technology content and strategies to develop in primary students: science and technology knowledge, understandings, skills, attitudes and values. Christian worldview and ethical issues discussed in EDU407 Foundations in Christian Education will be drawn upon when critiquing syllabus content, methodology and teaching resources. 

Early Reading (Years K-2) EDU416

Reading is a foundational, yet complex cognitive skill upon which other skills are built. This unit introduces the pedagogy of reading in the early years, including approaches to working with print-based, digital and multimodal texts. It covers various aspects of teaching reading, including the components of reading instruction, approaches to teaching and assessing reading, the social practices of reading, and a reflection on reading pedagogy and how it is situated in the 21st century. The first few years of formal schooling are critical for the development of reading in a child’s life, and this unit adequately prepares students to teach the five key components of effective reading programs: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension, explicitly, systematically and sequentially. 

Mathematics and Numeracy (Years 3-6) EDU519

The foundation for development of strong mathematical knowledge and core skills in mathematics is laid down in primary education. Current Australian education strategies focus on quality teaching, informed by the best available evidence, to help students develop their number sense from the early years of schooling. 

This unit equips students with essential content knowledge and skills across the curriculum including an overview of the syllabus structure for Stages 2 and 3 in Mathematics across the 3 areas of number and algebra, measurement and space, and statistics and probability. This unit prepares students for primary mathematics teaching, allowing them to demonstrate their understanding of the critical importance of numeracy to learning including working mathematically. Students will also learn and refine teaching strategies to create developmental learning sequences relevant to the curriculum strands. Throughout the course, students will engage in practical workshops, collaborative group activities, and reflective exercises to reinforce their learning and apply theoretical concepts to real-world teaching scenarios. 

Inclusive Education EDU523

This subject critically analyses inclusive philosophy while exploring the specific learning needs for students ‘at risk’ of exclusion. This includes an understanding of the challenges faced by students experiencing marginalisation due to disability, ethnicity, religion, gender or other forms of diversityDifferentiation strategies, behaviour support models and technologies, assessment and evaluation strategies are examined in the context of learning and teaching strategies for individuals with disabilities. Legislative requirements, for people with disabilities and gifted and talented opportunities, are reviewed and the Teacher Education Students (TES) are given the opportunity to review their own attitudes to diversity and disability in the light of their own faith and professional responsibilities. 

History and Geography EDU502

This subject provides an in-depth exploration of the HSIE Key Learning Areas of History and Geography and opens prospects for integration with other Learning Areas. The study of History and Geography assists in the development of a deeper understanding of the Teacher Education Student’s Christian or alternate worldview. Australia’s multicultural society is celebrated as the Teacher Education Student seeks to inspire the young to care for their country and their world for future generations.  

Learning and Teaching English in the Primary Years EDU518

This unit explores the demands of writing and creating with reference to the Australian Curriculum: English, and the NSW English K–10 Syllabus and related documents. The unit extends students’ knowledge of different types of texts and the grammatical and visual features typically found in a range of text types. Students design a sequence of lessons using a text-based cycle of teaching and learning as the foundation for a principled and explicit approach to writing pedagogy, making use of a range of teaching strategies to support the learning of students from diverse backgrounds. Students will also explore the conventions of the English language such as spelling; grammar and word usage; punctuation and handwriting including paragraph, sentence, and word levels. 

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education EDU511

This subject provides a comprehensive overview of key researchers in the field of child and adolescent development providing models of instruction and resources in the health and physical education arena. It specifically focuses on physical, cognitive, social and emotional, moral development and the application to health and physical education incorporating a Christian world view enabling each student to flourish. 

Creative Arts EDU521

This subject equips students with pedagogical approaches, teaching methodologies, and practical strategies to effectively teach Creative Arts (Drama, Dance, Media Arts, Music and Visual Arts) in the Primary classroomStudents will develop their own God given creative capacities, and draw on prior learning to explore the specific role of integration, student engagement, and assessment when applied to Creative Arts teaching and learning. 

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives EDU426

This subject aims to empower students to implement classroom practices responsive to, and respectful of, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, identities, and perspectives. It provides an overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education related to policy, curriculum, and pedagogy. The subject presents the case for culturally responsive approaches and supportive learning environments that address diverse needs across a range of settings, including examples from rural, remote, and urban Australian Indigenous communities. It examines the effectiveness of Australian education policies past and present in enabling Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to reach their full potential. Christian approaches to this topic will effectively celebrate the individual dignity of Australian and Torres Strait Islanders, both as individuals with agency and responsibility, but also as separate tribal or linguistic groups.   

Educational Research and Evidence in Practice EDU508

This subject introduces students to educational research and evidence-based practice. It focuses on engaging with knowledge and developing skills to critically assess educational research studies, understand their methodologies and results, and appreciate the implications of these findings for practical application. Through this subject, students will learn to interpret and utilise existing research and will also be empowered to contribute to the field by designing their own research projects aimed at advancing knowledge and improving practices in their specialist areas.

Professional Experience
2 Subjects
20 Credit Points
Professional Experience (Part A & Part B) EDU591

This subject affords the Teacher Education Student a wide range of opportunities to practice their developing skills and techniques in controlled real-life settings under the support of full-time school mentors. The students develop their planning, relational and evaluation skills within the setting of professional teams of communities of practice. Above all, they learn effective behaviour management techniques while observing the performance of professional teachers in their own contexts and they experience how their personal worldview impacts every aspect of their life and work in education. 

Alphacrucis University requires all initial Teacher Education Students to attempt the National Literacy and Numeracy Test LANTITE in their first semester of study and pass LANTITE before their final placement. It is a national requirement that students cannot graduate from an ITE program if they have not passed LANTITE. 

Professional Experience EDU599

This subject affords the Teacher Education Student a wide range of opportunities to practice their developing skills and techniques in controlled real-life settings under the support of full-time school mentors. The students develop their planning, relational and evaluation skills within the setting of professional teams of communities of practice. Above all, they learn effective behaviour management techniques while observing the performance of professional teachers in their own contexts and they experience how their personal worldview impacts every aspect of their life and work in education. 

Alphacrucis University requires all initial Teacher Education Students to attempt the National Literacy and Numeracy Test LANTITE in their first semester of study and pass LANTITE  before their final placement. It is a national requirement that students cannot graduate from an ITE program if they have not passed LANTITE. 

More Information

For more information and details of previous course structures see Student Handbook.

*You can also use the Subject & Unit Search to explore the subjects (including electives) available to enrol in for this course and can filter by subject area and level.
For a full list of course dates for new and continuing students, please see our Timetables.

What people say

  • Learning Outcomes


    • Advanced and integrated understanding of key issues and practices within the discipline area of primary teaching.
    • Knowledge of scholarship and recent developments in the KLA’s pertaining to primary teaching, including, where appropriate, across disciplines.
    • Understanding of general research principles and methods, and advanced knowledge of specific research approaches used in the discipline area of primary teaching.
    • Advanced and integrated understanding regarding the planning, implementation, assessment and reporting of pedagogically sound learning activities consistent with a Christian worldview and appropriate to the demands of the teaching context.


    • Evaluate, synthesise and critically engage the theoretical knowledge regarding the stages of development in physical, cognitive, social/emotional and spiritual growth in children and apply it to diagnosis and strategies for progression.
    • Analyse and synthesise various pedagogical approaches with differing ideologies and develop skills and strategies (including technologies) to enhance the quality of learning for all students, including those from marginalised communities.
    • Design and execute a research project which examines a complex problem or issue using appropriate methodologies and theories from the discipline area.
    • Communicate effectively complex ideas and proposed solutions to peers and general audiences in diverse contexts.
    • Identify and critically evaluate new developments of research and scholarship in the discipline area of primary teaching.


    • Articulate new questions or issues and apply the knowledge and skills developed within the discipline area of primary teaching to develop appropriate solutions.
    • Comply with professional codes of ethics and regulations which impact on the ability to work with children and keep abreast of changes in the legislation and practice applicable to the specific teaching context.
    • Work independently, responsibly and with the level of professionalism expected of an expert in the discipline area of primary teaching.
    • Design and implement a major research project in the discipline area of primary teaching to advance personal and professional development, in order to thrive in educational contexts.

    Admission Criteria

    Entry Requirements

    International Students – Language Requirements

    IELTS (or equivalent) Score of 7.5 (with no score below 7.0 in any of the four skills areas).

    First Aid Training

    All students completing EDU511/CRS311 Personal Development, Physical & Health Education are required to complete a recognised First Aid Course. This course deals with the cause and prevention of accidents, the acquisition of sufficient knowledge to determine the nature and extent of injury, and sufficient skill to administer proper first aid.

    NSW Department of Education Child Protection Awareness Training

    All students are required to complete the NSW Department of Education Child Protection Awareness Training before enrolling into a work integrated learning subject and undertaking Professional Experience. Students who have met the academic and essential entry requirements can progress into the course prior to completing this training.

    Anaphylaxis e-Training

    Training is provided free online by the Australian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA). On completion of the online module participants receive a certificate of completion which must be included with your application. The training is required to be successfully undertaken every two years. This is the only training for anaphylaxis management in schools that New South Wales Education Standards Authority (NESA) will accept.

    Literacy and Numeracy Test

    AC students are required to sit for and pass the Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education Students (LANTITE) prior to enrolling in their final Professional Experience Placement.

    Working With Children Check (WWCC)

    All students are required to complete the new Working with Children Check (or state equivalent) online before they will be allowed to participate in professional practice subjects.

    Students will be classified as a ‘volunteer’ in Education.

    Higher Education Study

    Completion of an AQF Level 7 Bachelor degree (or higher) in any discipline by an authorised institution.

    Students must meet the necessary requirements for accreditation through NESA, including at least 1 full year (8 units) for study in one or more learning areas of the primary school curriculum (English/Literacy, Creative Arts, Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE), Mathematics/Numeracy, Personal Development Health and Physical Education (PDHPE), Science and Technology). For more information check the NESA website here.

    Additionally, as of 2024, all graduate entry Primary teaching applicants will need to possess at least a Band 4 result in a prior HSC mathematics course, or have undertaken at least 1 unit of mathematics/numeracy in a prior bachelor degree, or will be required to pass a mathematics/numeracy bridging unit (in addition to the program’s regular units) before or during the first year of study in the Master of Teaching (Primary).

    Higher Education Study

    Completion of an AQF Level 7 Bachelor degree (or higher) in any discipline by an authorised institution.

    How to Apply

    • Get Started

      Read through the admissions criteria and ensure you meet the entry requirements.

    • Apply

      It’s easy! Apply online below or contact us and we can help on 1300 228 355.

    • Offer

      We’ll contact you shortly after to confirm your details and help you through the rest of the process.

    Key Dates
    Semester 1
    Term 1
    February / March
    Term 2
    Semester 2
    Term 3
    July / August
    Term 4