Understanding Revelation

Van Shore


Welcome to AC’s short course on “Understanding Revelation”.  Of all the books in the New Testament, Revelation for many Christians, pastors and leaders, has generated more heat than light. And yet, quite simply, the opening verse tells it all: ‘A Revelation of Jesus Christ…’. During this course, you will discover a breathtaking vision of Jesus in ways you have never encountered before.

Topic 1: Topic 1: Where do I begin?

The book of Revelations can be considered similar to the gospels – it’s a story about Jesus, but it’s a different kind of story. It projects its action on a cosmic screen. Explore how the story underlying Revelation is the story of Jesus.

Topic 2: What am I looking at?

In this topic, you will explore and focus on the power struggle between Rome and the Kingdom of God.

Topic 3: When did this all start?

Exploring the centre of Revelation, from war, heaven, earth and the deeper story of the victory that John depicts through strong imagery.

Topic 4: A fitting conclusion yet shocking implications

Explore why people resist change and how to overcome resistance, by reflecting on strong eschatological literature and how that reflects humanities stubbornness to accepting Gods will for their lives. How can you become a source of encouragement to lift perspectives to look to Jesus?


In this micro-credential we have covered four topics that relate to “Reading Revelation”. These were: 

  1. Where do I begin? 
  2. What am I looking for? 
  3. When did this all start? 
  4. A fitting conclusion: yet shocking implications.

Revelation is like a gospel – it’s a story about Jesus, but it’s a different kind of story. It projects its action on a cosmic screen. The story underlying Revelation is the story of Jesus.

If we fail to recognise that this is the gospel story, it’s because it does not come in a gospel form. It’s Revelation literature.
About Your Lecturer
Van Shore
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