Transform Your Church: Communicating in a New World



In four lectures we will cover four topics that relate to Communicating in a New World. We will look at:

  1. Audience-centric Communication
  2. The Power of Authentic Engagement
  3. The Timeless Value of Narrative
  4. The Authority of a Liberated Soul

Accompanying each topic there is an article for you to read and at the end of each topic, there will be a short quiz.

Please remember to complete the Evaluation Survey at the end of the course before you obtain your certificate, as AC wants to continually improve our courses to better serve students.

This Professional Credential can articulate into an accredited course at Alphacrucis University College


Welcome to the short course on Transform Your Church: Communicating in a New World! We hope you enjoy your learning experience as you dive into this important and impactful topic.

Topic 1: Audience Centric Communication

In this topic, you will learn the power of tailoring your message to your audience. You will discover how to empathise with your audience, by paying close attention to verbal and non-verbal cues. You will also explore the importance of connecting with God while preaching.

Topic 2: The Power of Authentic Engagement

In this topic, you’ll discover the power of authentic engagement through vulnerability. Learn how to share your “scars” as evidence of God’s grace, connecting deeply with your audience—not just as a technique, but as a way to communicate with real, purposeful impact.

Topic 3: The Timeless Value of Narrative

Just like Jesus did in the Gospels, you’ll learn how to craft relatable stories that unpack complex ideas and reveal powerful truths in a way that resonates deeply with your audience.

Topic 4: The Authority of a Liberated Soul

In this topic, you’ll learn how your audience doesn’t just receive your message—they also connect with you as the messenger. That’s why it’s essential to communicate with clarity and intention, free from clutter. Your words carry the weight of your feelings, beliefs, and experiences, and understanding this will empower you to speak with greater authenticity and impact.


A global pandemic created a moment in time where communicators in every arena had to learn how to communicate in a new world. This micro-credential provides honest and at times confronting examples of the imperative to learn how to communicate more effectively by being audience-focused and authentic storytellers that communicate with an uncluttered soul.

About Your Lecturer
Mike Murphy
Michael was senior pastor of Shirelive Church for 18 years and previously served on the pastoral staff at Hillsong Church. He is an alumnus of Alphacrucis University College and has a MA in leadership studies. Michael is married to Valery, and has three adult children who are actively involved in church ministry.
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