Character Formation is a T.E.A.M. Effort

Dean O'Keefe

Character Formation is a TEAM Effort. This short course covers four elements to help develop one’s character. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, character formation can be taught and learned. We can help develop our character through teaching, example, action and ministry.


Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:
  • Identify four methods to assist in character formation
  • Define virtues
  • Identity biblical virtues applicable for today

Effectively Engaging with this Course

The value of each MC is in your engagement with the videos, the readings, the self-assessment activities, and quizzes. Occasionally there will be further reading options provided. These help further inform your learning experience.

It is important to note that while some quizzes are an obvious test of knowledge, others will include a design element that will require critical thinking as you synthesize the information you have gathered. It is recommended that you work through the information in the logical development of knowledge and experience as presented in the MC. Each learning moment has been carefully designed to give you the best opportunity to maximise the time spent in developing yourself professionally.

Navigating the course is intuitive however, here is some information that might make it easier.

Topic 1: Character Formation

Reflecting on the origins of humanity, you will explore the embodied moral qualities that attribute to one’s journey of character formation. 

Topic 2: Teaching

In this lesson, you’ll discover how effective teaching engages the heart, head, hands, and habits. Through this holistic approach, you’ll form a solid understanding about how good teaching fosters virtues which shape and transform our character.

Topic 3: Example

Looking at the example of Christ, you will explore how the positive and negative impacts of others can influence character formation. 

Topic 4: Action

In this lesson, you’ll discover how character formation goes beyond words to include consistent actions. Drawing from James 2:14-17, you’ll learn how virtues are cultivated through ongoing practice, discipline, and perseverance. Explore how habits, patience, and intentional effort contribute to shaping godly character.

Topic 5: Ministry

Ministry simply means to serve, cultivating character grows within a community of serving others. We are born not for ourselves alone, but for God and for our neighbour. In this lesson, you will receive a biblical basis for the role service and ministry to others can have in our character formation.


Character formation is a T.E.A.M effort equips participants with tools for character formation, both individually and in an organisation.

To achieve the MC badge, please complete all the videos, readings and quizzes.

Those who are interested in more content related to Character formation should enrol in Character Formation and Ministry as part of the Diploma of Ministry and Diploma of Leadership.

About Your Lecturer
Dean O'Keefe
Dean is married to Lisa and together they have four children. Before commencing theological studies Dean worked in secondary education. He has been involved in children and youth ministry leadership for over two decades. Dean completed a Doctor of Ministry in 2018. He loves teaching people about God, seeing people formed into the likeness of Christ, and good bakeries. Dean's publications have contributed to the Pentecostal Studies, Biblical Studies and Faith-Based Education research clusters.
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