The collection hosts documentation related to the 20th century mission activities of the Pentecostal church including those situated in Papua New Guinea, Japan and Australia. It is home to hundreds of original denominational magazines published by the Pentecostal and Charismatic church, including the Good News magazine – published by Sarah Jane Lancaster, founder of the first Pentecostal church in Australia which congregated in the Good news Hall of North Melbourne from 1908; the Australian Evangel/Glad Tidings Messenger – the official Journal of the AOG and Yukana, the Commonwealth Bible College magazine. The collection also hosts documentation relating to the Assemblies of God and its national college constituent – the Commonwealth Bible College, which was re-named Southern Cross College 1993 and in 2009 adopted its current name, Alphacrucis.
APSC is located at AC’s Sydney campus in a purpose-built facility that operates as both an archive and a small museum. The archive is made to expert specifications, including fireproof walls and controlled temperature and lighting. It is a professionally staffed and readily accessible facility which supports a wide range of research on the history of Pentecostal and charismatic movements in Australasia. The collection is readily accessible for research or general interest, either onsite or via the AC Library catalogue.
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